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„Thousands of millions sparrows
lived on the planet Earth,
yet few decades ago,
in the 1970s.
Apart from the Antarctic,
they twittered everywhere,
adorning every street by their high spirits:
chirp, chirp, chirp !
This strong species,
living on anything,
suddenly, from year to year,
left the planet Earth.
Nowadays, after year 2000,
there is just a minimum number of sparrows;
almost all sparrows were taken out from streets,
you may search high and low.
Behold, what happens ?
It’s another mystery on the planet Earth ?
No, just we, the Cosmic people have evacuated
thousands of millions sprigs.
They were moved together with many other species
to planets of lifesaving,
that will take place on the planet Earth.
Sparrows are assigned to resistant species,
they grow more numerous easily;
but here, on the planet Earth
Why should they die like flies
because of HUMAN PRIDE ?
They also have right
to rejoice on another planet of lifesaving.
There they may all the time
rollick in their flocks,
spend cheerful life,
and chirp merrily.
This was transmitted with love in heart to terrestrials by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah; with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2044.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
8. 10. 2004.
„Autumn persists, it is getting dark outside,
drops of rain sprinkle the country;
I see the inner light in my chest,
through the medium of inner sight.
This light is Heaven;
the whole empyrean is shining,
universes are glaring there
by means of the Creator’s powerful light.
The inner light dwells in chest,
also absorbed in this zone of expulsion,
in the scrap cosmos,
where lost souls occupy their house.
Our beloved Creator emanates,
through the medium of my chest,
the mighty white light,
thus spotlighting disoriented beings, showing them the way.
The lighthouse penetrates the darkness,
which was supposed to rule there like a king;
who groped about in the dark,
now goes the other way, leading Home.
The white light brings joy;
children are laughing without restraint in semidarkness,
and you, who have chosen the way leading Home,
you also want to guffaw and rejoice.
Those, who emanate that light,
have sealed off the Spirit, the soul;
they have been helping fellowmen already for a long time,
and walk to the Right Home.
The white light as powerful protection,
leads you in darkness on and on,
around the deep dark;
but you are not afraid of it !
Fortune favours the bold one,
flooding with that white light
everything he visits:
people, towns, the Earth, regions.
The white light balances
all passing whims, any of them:
the truth comes out to light everywhere,
the checkers are completely dumbfounded to hear about it.
This was transmitted with love in heart by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2045.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
8. 10. 2004.
„Darling, focus on yourself,
find faults with yourself continually;
let others live freely,
they should deal with personal problems themselves.
You are supposed to solve many issues
in this life and in the next ones;
let your fellowmen live in truth,
do not focus on anybody else, let them live.
Letting one’s fellowmen go on
means not to intrude upon their lives;
only in case that you are asked,
you should answer sincerely.
The law of love says:
give, but do not impose anything on others;
you may insert leaflets into letter boxes,
but do not establish mass organizations.
Every man is free to choose:
whether he will find faults with himself or with fellowman,
how he will handle kinds of energy,
time, things, ideas.
If you give people a free hand,
then they appreciate their freedom,
and pay you soon back with joy
and requited love.
Nowadays only few people focus on themselves,
they find it difficult;
It’s easier for them to criticize others
and therefore they prefer to focus on fellowmen and other matters.
In your chest dwells your essence,
the Spirit and mysterious soul;
these are encapsulated
and remain in this state, when the darkness is accepted.
If you carry out basic change,
then the darkness is dissolved by means of love;
consequently you see the plain truth
and let your fellowmen live freely.
Thus you heaved a sigh of relief:
pieces of gossip were heavy like a stone;
now you have plenty of time
to accomplish your work of Light.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all terrestrials by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2046.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
8. 10. 2004.
„Human feeling is delicate;
it is defined by life, not just by world:
man’s wealth lies in time,
when he can say – I feel.
The whole environment – vibrations of energy,
the mighty love – shines;
the bright light emanates from chest
and man can say – I feel.
Lone tree sways in the wind,
little bird cheeps in bush,
day draws to a close
and you can say through the medium of open heart – I feel.
Beautiful Angel in sparklers,
loving, charming woman,
the one, who will not leave you,
make me to say again – I feel.
His bodies in vibration – the antenna,
continual preparedness for giving,
constant attention focused on people,
the Angel just says – I feel.
Instil for love, at nightfall,
where the sun went down for a short time,
as a dreamy sweet of Light
may tell you – I feel.
Rhythm of day sustained by animals,
small flower going for a walk,
dangling its flower in front of bees,
may persuade you – I feel.
Night is falling,
small beetle sits down on the tip of your nose;
loving thought of your beloved one
again springs up – I feel.
Human being derives joy,
from transmitting to nice people
the best of what he has:
oh yes, he powerfully says – I feel.
That’s the way how the river swells,
every individual perceives according to his point of view;
common field of people glows,
and so, I tell you again – I feel.
Fullgrown fresh grass,
trees with white blossoms,
jasmine flowering in spring;
and I’m supposed to say – I feel.
What the spiritual man performs ?
He reveals truth by means of love,
he opens the experience of sensation,
and therefore I tell you – I feel.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ptaah.“
I thank you, dear Ptaah, I will convey this message to terrestrials with pleasure. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2047.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
9. 10. 2004.
»Dear, beautiful man,
open consciously your spiritual heart,
that dwells in your chest,
in order to establish contact.
That ancient connection,
with inner heavenly worlds
and our beloved Creator,
is known for thousand of millions years.
Your night ends – rise;
the puppet play with body closes,
do not rubberneck anymore,
do not have a face as long as a fiddle !
Aim your heart,
the Only Right Treasure,
your Spiritual Centre,
the inner reality you have neglected by now.
Beloved man,
you, one of many celestial Angels,
draw yourself up to full height
and follow the right road of love.
Rise above your worries,
which will be dissolved by your love:
they will be dispelled like early morning fog,
as if by magic.
Everything what you have „experienced“ by now,
was only an ILLUSION,
a controlling program,
prepared for you in advance.
Clear day elapses in your heart,
just open that ticker:
open it with the key called love,
the life guided by the heart of hearts !
Therefore, just do it,
ah, that’s fascinating !
Do not care about the checkers any more,
let somebody else play that game.
The Angels are calling you
from the Right Home – from Heaven:
It is time to get away,
leave that puppet world !
This was transmitted with love in heart to all terrestrials by Ashtar Sheran.«
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2048.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
10. 10. 2004.
„At one time people shall become united
in one big family;
they will throw off the shackles
and make themselves understand just in one common language.
Nobody will be isolated anymore;
there will be enough time
for sharing and repeated meeting,
much more than here on the planet Earth.
Everybody will dance,
sing and rejoice;
songs shall become real life
and will comprise great riches.
That happens even nowadays:
new society comes into the world,
on this enchanted Earth;
it will be great birth.
Keep the vision of globe
with lasting happiness,
lot of love,
and loving interpersonal relationships.
If only maximum number of terrestrials
would understand and change for the better,
in this precious moments
of advancement into the fifth dimension.
We hereby declare that
the New World came into existence;
rise everybody of you, who wants:
do not bow and scrape to anybody here anymore.
Nowadays I see people,
who have made this choice;
they live full life
in loving harmony.
I can see them already every day,
on boards of spaceships;
the future society will also consist
of Cosmic people.
I thank you, beloved Ptaah; with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2049.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
10. 10. 2004.
2052. The Time (492). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 13, 2004.
21:26–21:41 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Time is enchanter,
wielding power over you, the player,
who tries to solve
the quirk of fate called life.
Time is work of darkness,
of those who do not feel love,
but include plans in tide,
to become slaves.
Time handcuffs people;
it is negative state,
ticking away and cutting off
the remaining values.
Time knows no mercy,
alike inexorable player,
who betted with you:
the loser bursts out crying.
Time is form of a magic spell;
enchanted are thus people,
who forgot how to live:
they crawl like an obtrusive snake.
Time could be overpowered
by the man who stops aging,
who makes a medicine of love
and frees himself from a magic spell.
Time wrapped around those,
who chase after wealth,
and keep saying:
„after all, I have to“.
Time dissolves
in the open heart,
in the radiant inner reality:
after all, that’s vibration !
Time wins only,
when the man in question
kowtows to plans woven by checkers,
who robbed him of life.
Time loses only,
when you develop a feeling
for recognition of your miserable situation,
to upset it – stop !
Time could be stopped
by the man who musters courage,
to give love every day,
to live his youth.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2053. Ah ! (493). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 13, 2004.
21:44–21:57 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Ah, that wisdom of the ones,
who call from Heaven,
who all the time adorn you
with the neat sentence.
Ah, that gentle hand,
caressing you from Heaven,
purifying your heart
in order to love fellowmen.
Ah, these big eyes,
looking at you from Heaven,
radiating infinite love and intelligence
with every affectionate glance.
Ah, these powerful nostrils,
holding you form Heaven,
as your support
in any situation.
Ah, these soft palms,
fondling you nicely from Heaven,
caressing your neck
with love so brittle.
Ah, that thirst for giving,
coming from Heaven;
the Angel all the time radiates it
by means of his gifts.
Ah, dear being,
seeing from Heaven,
every your twinkle –
to guard piece.
Ah, the loving one,
flying from Heaven,
protecting us, terrestrials,
against the Powers of darkness.
Ah, dear, beloved ones,
from Heaven I welcome you on the Earth,
in that cradle of brittle life
pulsating over gaping chasm.
Ah, I give up glory,
for the benefit of all dear ones in Heaven,
those who are wedded
with our lives.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2054. The value of life (494). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 13, 2004.
21:58–22:10 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear one, you will appreciate the value of life,
yet while living in the Dark worlds,
which are pervaded
with darkness, isolation, misfortune and coldness.
In these worlds you can asses
the quality of Right life,
which is so natural in Heaven,
but not always recognized.
The value of life can be defined
by riches of your experiences,
which follow surely every day from your meaningful life:
by what you are supposed to see and feel
Flying by spaceship
to another planets on the field day,
you would become cognizant of many lifestyles
terrestrials live in.
Their lives are marked by tiresome drudgery,
destitute circumstances,
but also by untold wealth,
or freedom, knowledge, travelling across the universe.
Precisely THE CONSCIOUSNESS is the treasure
it provides riches of life.
Look here, dear little man,
evaluate every breath,
whether you are leading heartfelt life
and fulfilling love by way of your steps.
Dear one, by open heart
is mediated knowledge,
that you are carrying inside all the time;
just grasp it appropriately.
Try to express your inner reality,
like a beautiful and sincere man;
after all, the life is worth while:
you shall fathom its meaning.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2055. The awakening of light. (Received Dagmar R.) October 10, 2004.
Place: Usti nad Labem.
„The inner Light will come to life again:
summer, sun, love anon,
that’s what you are yearning for all the time;
pinions, sweet wave of wings,
that’s what you are always longing for.
The alluring faraway places, these clouds, that freedom,
liberty, lightness, fragrance,
pinions, sweet wave of wings,
the inner Light will be authenticated anew.
The sun, love, beauty,
time and time again.“
2056. The technology (495). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
12:27–12:48 p. m.
Place: Hranice na Morave.
„Dear children, the technologies may serve
either good or evil purpose,
depending on the aim:
they can be used or misused.
We have, everywhere in the Right Creation,
used the technology in such a way,
that our society reaps benefit from it
in everyday life.
Our technology does not damage any planet,
nor the health of the Cosmic people,
since it is applied strictly
in accordance with the Cosmic laws.
The residential buildings, schools, scientific centres,
serve everybody with respect to quality of his life;
results are continuously assessed
with the view of utilizing our high technology.
Our space stations
suggest comfortable palaces,
because we have appropriately taken advantage of our technology,
non that we would live in the lap of luxury.
But in the Dark worlds
is the technology misused,
for the purpose of controlling others
and stealing their energy.
Else is also devastated environment;
often were thus vandalized the whole planets,
and their inhabitants then like swarm of locusts
move to other worlds.
They do not live in harmony with nature,
only eke out their living in the underground;
their technology kills everything living
both on the surface and bellow.
There are also another dark worlds;
we call them GREEN PLANETS:
their inhabitants form natural communities
reminding societies evolving on the planet Earth in former times.
On these planets was not developed any technology so far;
the occupiers are liable to elements of nature,
but with their bare hands
they cannot destroy the environment.
Every human being passes through stages of evolution,
and consequently should also realize,
that the technology should serve the humankind,
not ruin human lives.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2057. The changing of squadrons. (496). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
12:49–13:04 p. m.
Place: Hranice na Morave.
„The relieving of squadrons is under way today:
the Ptaah’s cosmic squadron with the guards of Light,
who have watched over this dark planet,
will be after halfyear of functioning replaced by the Ashtar’s squadron.
From this autumn to spring,
it will be on guard, watching over the Earth,
protecting the globe against invasion
committed by entities from the Dark world.
This squadron shall guard the planet Earth
and its loving inhabitants,
who have chosen the Right life
in these conditions of darkness.
For their sake,
250 000 000 of Angels work here,
on hundreds of thousands spaceships
of Heavenly cosmic squadrons.
From this autumn to spring,
the worlds of Pleiades are supposed
to watch over this dark planet,
that you call the Earth.
Every undeveloped world
is thus guarded by Heavenly guardians,
who are working for the Creator,
helping with love in heart.
They give advice – propulsions – to human beings,
into their open chests,
through the medium of spiritual heart:
how to cope with life, how to LIVE.
The Ashtar’s grand cosmic squadron
numbers 10 000 000 large spaceships;
it is deployed in the universe
called the Fourth sector.
In a number of parallel dimensions
the spaceships appear concurrently;
they are in powerful communication
with the whole Creator’s Creation.
The Ashtar’s squadron will be on guard
from the autumn to the spring,
when developing of evil thoughts culminates
on the planet Earth – in the winter season.
The Ashtar’s squadron alters
the environment on the Earth,
by means of love:
people are not aware of the fact, that they breathe more freely.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2059. The childhood dream (497). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
13:50–14:04 p. m.
Place: The train Hranice na Morave – Valasske Mezirici.
„The system of people living on the planet Earth
reminds a childhood dream;
it depends on your frame of mind:
there are ups and downs.
You can say that again:
the state of mind chosen according to one’s free will,
may adumbrate either happiness
or bondage and ill health – the fall into the darkness.
Maybe everybody has already understood,
that in his hands holds
the wheel of happiness or precariousness;
he could even die by drowning in mud.
Every man is subject to
the corresponding extent
of controlling by darkness,
adequate to his choice.
you are surrounded by WAVES
influencing your life,
every second, you already know that.
Since you are living in the field of vibration,
consequently you are exposed to great impact
of energies coming from various worlds you have chosen –
either from the Dark ones or from the Right ones.
The darkness of controlling wave
is weaving continually, very cunningly,
in order to get you into underground slums,
to detach you from the Creator.
The Angels of Light are effective
through the waves of love, by way of advice,
to make you return Home,
into heaven, the right Creation.
Everybody makes his choice,
preferring either Light or Darkness;
accordingly he changes the life
and experiences latent effects.
You are not living just for yourselves,
in a great darkness,
somewhere in a vacuum,
as you were deceived in the school.
Our reports are the daybreak
in the Darkness of your worlds;
awake from your dream, dear child,
and make the right choice !
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2061. Put up resistance (499). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
14:06–14:24 p. m.
Place: The train Hranice na Morave – Valasske Mezirici.
„These lines serve as an aid for all,
who head into Home;
if only love accompanies you
on the right way, and over edge and ditch, too.
Excellent knowledge is acquired by the one,
who nurses the heart,
preferring love in his life;
it concerns him directly.
The pseudocreators are skillfully arranging
the dark world of Orientals,
who are else cowardly hidden,
but they shall be drawn out soon from the underground slum.
They will have to disclose everything,
what they had withheld so far,
on this outer world, the physical one,
which you regard as the natural creation.
A great scene was made:
villains shoulder blame,
vast spider’s net has been put out
for millions of years.
The one, who tells flat his NO,
will cut to pieces the cobweb,
and shall show the truth clearly.
The one, who uncovers anything,
will become entangled in nets;
he will have to shift like a toy,
by command of pseudocreators.
To say NO does not mean,
that the person in question is angry;
it is just refusal of plans
woven by cunning darkness.
By means of rejection
you may gain space for positive choices;
it is kind of energy,
which is accessible to you.
This way you many select
the change of living any time;
that’s enough to realize
that you are not a yes man.
You know the taste of goal,
what it is that you pass through all wiles,
to address all people
and let everybody live.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2062. The control hall. (500). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
14:25–14:34 p. m.
Place: The train Valasske Mezirici – Vsetin.
„We dwell on the cosmic spaceship,
in the company of Angels,
staying in big generous room,
which radiates light.
Everything here is permeated with powerful light:
the Angels, even the walls of the hall;
a terrestrial coming there for the first time,
goes into ecstasies.
You would feel powerful love, peace,
harmony that pervades you,
while seeing still new and other rooms,
the control halls.
In these halls are regulated
all processes of people,
by way of love – the limits
of what the Powers of darkness are or are not allowed to do.
Do not believe in a chance;
everything is accurately under control:
The Angels become beforehand cognizant
of the situation, scene, that is directed by the other side.
Through the medium of monitors,
the teams of Angels observe,
how develops the scene
on the puppet Earth.
They do not intervene in this scene,
but offer choices of love;
it is up to the man in question,
whether or not he selects them.
Dozens of Cosmic people
sit in armchairs, preserving their dignity,
others are coming smilingly,
another ones are leaving.
Do not impute to them
any terrestrial characteristics;
they are not ordinary people,
but repeat, that they love you enormously.
In the control halls prevails peace,
there is everything thoroughly managed,
including imposing restrictions
on activities of the Darkness.
For undeveloped planets
is the spirituality directed;
the primary Creator regulates
the extent of the Light and Darkness.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2063. The sectors of evacuation. (501). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
14:39–14:52 p. m.
Place: The train Valasske Mezirici – Vsetin.
„During the time of 7 000 000 years the planet Earth has served
as a playing field for the Powers of darkness and Heaven;
nowadays should be revealed
the comprehensive answer – the result.
In 1990’s the Darkness
desired to fly in,
but was stopped of doing that
by the Earth and the called squadron from Heaven.
In 1997 were spread
the big evacuation spaceships of Angels,
who expelled the Powers of Darkness physically
and surveyed the Earth’s surface.
They classified it into sectors,
the selected areas with people,
who need help,
to return Home.
Every sector can be defined
as an area, where live people;
there is every dwelling individual monitored,
within the measured parameters of evacuation.
It is the question of their personal vibrations,
the oscillations of many bodies
that human beings have at their disposal,
changing them by way of their choices.
By the quality of these vibrations
is determined the man’s state,
which is decisive factor for the stepping in,
although he is subject to evolution.
He could be taken up on the spaceship,
if the beloved Creator
issues the order.
On this is based the quality of life,
the extent of mediated good,
the way he disposes of love
and seeks rescue.
It might happen any time,
that certain number of terrestrials would be relocated,
in silence, without din of media,
which could cover up skillfully anything.
Something like that occurred also on another planets,
powerfully controlled by the Powers of darkness;
the media there also twaddle
and lie to beings in their lives.
Thus is all the time assured
the safety of pure people,
who set themselves apart,
since they did not enter into Darkness.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2064. The starry societies. (502). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 15, 2004.
17:14–17:31 p. m.
Place: The train Trencin – Bratislava.
„The starry civilizations of Light,
have their worlds
harmoniously arranged
on your suns.
They appear in parallel dimensions,
where extends beautiful world,
gardens are stretched all over, surrounded with paradises;
there prevails blissful peace.
Pearls of enormous wisdom
springing from the Creator,
are permeated with love,
adorning deep‑rooted traditions.
No terrestrial became cognizant
of the starry life so far,
in the perfect world
stemming from our Creator.
The Cosmic people enjoy there
their eternal lives:
they do not surrender their bodies,
contrary of the terrestrials.
These dimensions are not physical ones,
they are structured by another kinds of energy;
you would not find there
your chemical agents any more.
There dwell wonderful beings,
living in happiness,
flying across the universes
by means of thought or spaceship.
They are endowed with enormous knowledge,
proceeding from CONSCIOUSNESS;
dear little man,
you cannot even imagine something like that.
The starlight n this dimension of yours,
is actually energy,
which was chucked away as a garbage,
according to the laws of free will.
The mentioned beings eradicate undesirable thoughts,
which consequently end in fallaway sections,
in numerous universes,
similar to the one inhabited by terrestrials.
The starry societies themselves also built the worlds,
but they rejoice very much
in their shinning worlds,
which are placed on suns.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2065. Love to Prague. (503). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 21, 2004.
14:28–14:39 p. m.
Place: Prague, the Cosmic centre.
„Today is love pleasant‑smelling,
you feel variety of people,
caressing them at a distance,
saturating them with your heart.
Awakening in the morning, you hear persuasive voice:
look into the map of Prague again,
to shine love – brightness,
through districts Kobylisy, Ladvi.
And yet Zizkov, Nove Mesto, you know,
those worst places will be flooded
with pure love –
the Creator has sent word that this should be done.
The white light purifies
many Prague corners,
to equilibrate again
those coarse‑vibratory energies.
Follows the South Town,
the largest populated housing area;
the stream of light offers
preferable space for living.
There are the loving energies
most desirable:
the ones, which the human hearts
miss for the time being.
And then follow Stodulky, Haje, Barrandov,
the areas where are another fates prepared,
in order that people could breathe
and live in the fine‑vibratory environment.
Thus we send with the Angels
also love, bliss in bed;
the map of Prague serves as the tool now,
another time the map of the Czech Republic.
The purity of love is determined
by your upright life;
the quality of vibrations is proportional
to the quality of your thoughts.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2066. The come-outers (504). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 21, 2004.
14:40–14:56 p. m.
Place: Prague, the Cosmic centre.
„The sun flirts with the Earth:
day follows night,
and thus are on the surface created well‑defined periods,
known as days.
By means of the distance passing over the dark Universe
you are confronted with the reality,
that the light is scarce there;
why, what is here happening?
This universe is black,
because it does not serve as a Home:
there is accumulated garbage – energy,
which comes from the Right worlds.
In that garbage appear COME‑OUTERS,
who have decided to work here,
with the aim to direct lost souls
from the night back, towards their Home.
The dark souls stare:
who is approaching them,
speaking clearly,
answering in the affirmative?
The come‑outer shows the way back
by means of his life,
how to live better and better,
consequently persuades the crackpots to return.
In this way are upset the controlling programs,
dependencies, traditions, bad habits,
which are already recorded in genes of bodies,
belonging to those who pulled to this place the darkness.
Such come‑outer reminds
continually flying diligent small bee,
putting love – nectar
in the closed hearts.
In order to open them again,
to rescue them from the power of checkers,
to burst their self‑imposed fetters,
to liberate the souls, who forgot their Creator.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2067. The twilight (505). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 23, 2004.
18:14–18:29 p. m.
Place: The train Praha – Mlada Boleslav.
„The fruitful clear day
draws to a close,
the light welled all over,
but the darkness does descend.
Now the twilight sky
offered its sombre face,
hiding into darkness
the temporary puppet scene with people.
As if the purple sunset
marked the coming of programs,
which the mankind caused
during previous years.
Everybody can see, that something strange happens,
what formerly did not bother you:
many bugaboos in shop windows,
and also in media.
By way of choices selected energies
remind germinating seed:
the decision makers supposed,
that it will be „PROFITABLE“.
But the ray in tunnel
all the time illuminates that puppet scene,
where appear the ones who chased after „profit“,
but fell into trap.
Everybody can turn for the better also in future:
he may take the life in his own hands
and thus ruin plans woven by checkers,
instead of going back on the puppet stage.
If he helps the come‑outers,
then he is led by the inner Light,
and makes steps in the right direction,
to attain the goal: The Creator with many Angels.
Look here, how he swims against the current,
the crowds cannot nobble him:
he can see with his own eyes the Light in tunnel,
and the time becomes mere illusion.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2068. The Wenceslas Square (506). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 23, 2004.
18:32–18:46 p. m.
Place: The train Praha – Mlada Boleslav.
„The familiar Prague scene,
by people called the Wenceslas Square,
served as the cradle of Darkness,
but the Light clears way.
Among ill‑sorted bugaboos,
that moved into this place,
the candlestick irradiates love
of the coming small hearts.
The horrendous Wenceslas Square
plastered with labels,
is now illuminated by the brightness of light,
brought here by its bearers.
The enduring struggle culminates:
The Light and darkness alternately reign
over the place familiar to everybody,
called the Wenceslas Square.
The permanent demonstration of Light
has to affect the darkness,
as its limit,
which may not be crossed.
Nowadays deep ignorance is promenading
the centre of Prague;
how long are interbred
the energies of Light and darkness?
They function as visual displays:
how does look like
the denied freedom of people,
who have won a democracy?
In the twinkling of an eye,
by means of elections
they bring about their additional fall, nasty one,
that they had not yet experienced so far.
But before it comes about,
a footing will appear,
where the ray of hope in the darkness
shall illuminate the opportunities for their advisable change.
Dear ones, the terrestrials,
who have already long ago amplified love,
serve like a lighthouse
demonstrating the possibility of opening the small heart.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2069. The glitterings (507). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 24, 2004.
8:46–9:04 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„I face the sky,
which is blue like azure;
I emanate love powerfully,
observing astonishing phenomenon.
While perceiving the width,
I see all the time
thousand dancing little stars,
the dazzlingly white ones.
Ah, what a beauty ! What I see !
Suggesting dancing glitterings,
rejoicing in incessant motion,
some of them decompose into rainbow.
Small arcs, zigzags,
and other quaint, magic moves,
glitterings on the azure background,
are not dependent upon my eye movement.
I asked the Cosmic friends:
What I actually see?
Dear one, you observe our glittering mantles
through the medium of the third eye.
Some of the points that you see,
have lower vibration,
similar to that frequency of yours,
and therefore you can observe them.
It is the same frequency
as the one of your third eye,
corresponding with the points of our mantles,
that you just see.
We are hovering in front of you,
with our mental bodies,
all the time surrounding you with love,
in order that you could see through our light.
The more glitterings you see,
the higher are your frequencies,
which you did upgrade
by way of good, loving deeds.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2070. Where is the Creator? (Received Karol T.) October 24, 2004.
19:00–19:05 p. m.
Place: Prievidza.
„My children,
do not look for Me in religions
and speculative philosophies !
Search for Me in SIMPLICITY.
Enter the chamber of your HEART.
There I dwell, watching for you !“
2073. The politicians. (Received Osho.) 2004.
„ ... Politicians ...
They are determined ...
It seems that this planet Earth
should be guarded
like a treasure ...
All the other planets around
are dead.
This is the only planet,
which is stimulated
by millions of species,
birds, insects, fish, trees.
All planets around
are very poor.
There just projects dead stone,
without anything growing;
there are no oceans, no rivers,
no trees produce fruit.
And your politicians as if were determined
to change into something like that also this planet Earth.
Terrestrials never before shouldered
so tremendous responsibility.
And remember: the greater accountability,
the more urgent call and opportunity
for unification with higher intelligence,
for applying inner strength, abilities, creative power.
So that on the one hand can be seen
very sad picture.
But on the other hand mankind was never before confronted
with an appeal of this kind ...
People must appreciate all the time
that pressing invitation they are given.
2074. The Cosmic centre. (508). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 29, 2004.
11:18–11:30 a. m.
Place: Praha.
»Everybody here can see
the beautiful shining pictures,
depicting extraterrestrial life
led by the Cosmic people.
Hundreds of people daily
look round with amazement,
rolling eyes wide,
when examining the Heavenly pictures.
Many of them have seen for the first time,
what was kept from them
by means of controlling systems,
and by their „teachers“.
The exposition is held all the year round;
thousands of people have seen it,
in order to gain in knowledge
as far as their overall position is concerned.
Everybody can make his choice:
either pots,
small glasses over the way,
or the Cosmic life in Heaven.
By these pictures is irradiated with love
everybody who walks through;
even if he did not catch a glimpse of anything,
he is illuminated by information.
Many visitors stare with joy
and in astonishment are amazed:
what they have discovered today,
in that district of Holesovice !
Other terrestrials want to know,
when they will come to paradise;
it is up to you,
it depends on your behaviour.
People then distribute leaflets and pictures
to their fellowmen,
thus providing also for them
unique experiences.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.«
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2076. Where are you? (510). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 29, 2004.
15:48–15:57 p. m.
Place: The train Chocen – Ceska Trebova.
„We, the Cosmic ones, are asking:
Dear people, where are you ?
What kind of world do you inhabit ?
How did you build such strange world ?
We seek love here with microscope,
but we see hardly any;
instead of love we find
the daily grind continuing for hundreds of years.
What kind of strange lifestyle you have applied ?
What are you actually building up ?
When are you supposed to finish that ?
What kind of reward will you reap ?
We see from our spaceships,
that after physical death,
overwhelming majority of terrestrials moves
towards the Dark worlds you do not believe in.
And then you yet marvel,
that in spite of that lasting drudgery,
you do not work your way up;
you could cry your eyes out, couldn’t you ?
You still chase after anything,
thus accumulating BLOCKS in your bodies,
behaving mechanically;
and you call that earthly HAPPINESS ?
Dear ones, we also know,
that you make a mockery of our lines;
we see everything here,
and that all is then recorded.
There is nothing irretrievably lost:
even every movement of mind is chronicled;
dear ones, also in future
pay extraordinary attention to your choices.
We know millions of your lives;
here is everything recorded,
even without any regression:
it’s enough to set off on a journey to us.
Everything can be found in computers here,
on the cosmic station SHARE,
which we have incessantly guarded
for 1 000 000 years.
Dear people, one way or other,
appreciate every day
experienced beyond reach of program pushed through by those,
who want to hold you in their power also in future.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2077. Breath of the Universe (511). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 29, 2004.
15:58–16:06 p. m.
Place: The train Chocen – Ceska Trebova.
„The eternal breath of the Universe
echoes already for aeons of years;
distance is gazing at you
all the time.
Do not cry, dear little man;
you are imprisoned somewhere,
and as soon as you are liberated,
the Cosmic distance will be overcome.
The eternal breath of the Universe
is giving you a chance;
it can be seen any time,
every day, when you fall asleep.
So, get up with love !
It’s clear day – present others with daybreak !
Put out yesterday,
that program – the unreal dream.
Yes, day already goes,
everything develops in beautiful way;
the perfect creation saturated
the cosmic computer with alternatives.
By means of his choices,
every man like a switch
determines where his train runs:
whether into Light or Darkness.
Yes, your CHOICES are coming into force
every second, all the time.
Dear one, how are you going to make up your mind ?
In favour of darkness or freedom ?
If somebody decides on Darkness,
calling it Light,
he has clouded his mind,
regarding nigritude as whiteness.
The one, who decides on Light,
calls it also Light;
but that’s veritable truth
not an illusion anymore.
Breath of the Universe substantiates the life:
there all the lives suggest
collection comprising myriads of stories,
which happened to all its participants.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2078. When the mighty ones get on? (512). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 29, 2004.
16:06–16:15 p. m.
Place: The train Ceska Trebova – Olomouc.
„When are the mighty ones going
to call a halt to this beautiful planet ?
How do they regard the life ?
Only as an empty word – nothing more !
What the mighty ones actually want ?
They strive for power, not for love;
and consequently they reap tears, misfortune,
being obsessed with self‑centredness.
What defines their lives ?
Their choice based on
controlling program – the phantom:
plans woven by the Powers of darkness.
What the mighty ones show on the Earth ?
Stealing energy from others so skillfully,
that they do not become aware of that,
and yet applaud the robbers.
Why the mighty ones do not swerve ?
They toe their line,
which was programmed by the Powers of darkness long ago,
and now is violently introduced.
By what are the mighty ones motivated ?
By controlling possessions and power,
which completely hardens their hearts
and yet conjures up in their minds the golden calf.
There the mighty ones predominate,
amassing a fabulous fortune every day,
resuming their career
in the Dark worlds.
The mighty ones on the Earth
tell lies to anybody whom they see,
still sticking to their crazy visions,
and consequently they end in the mud of darkness.
The mighty ones and the Light together ?
Man ! In no case !
Surely, these are typical opposites,
contrasting kinds of energy, vibrations !
Thus the mighty ones mess around,
worshipping the golden calf,
projected by the checkers
in front of their clouded mind.
Where disappears
that energy of dark power ?
Certainly, this black universe
ends in litter basket.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2079. Clear your heart (513). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 29, 2004.
16:17–16:27 p. m.
Place: The train Ceska Trebova – Olomouc.
„What has that power
to tie, isolate and separate you ?
This knows only wind and time;
frost has set in hearts of hearts.
Dear daughter, how could you liberate yourself
from the evil dream ?
Do you know what about it ?
How to dispel it and live ?
The dream is your PROGRAM
received by means of your choices;
it was sent here from the Darkness,
developed skillfully and deceitfully.
Of course, that’s the work of small saurians,
who have robbed you of life,
which was replaced by foolish program
without love, good and truth !
Throw out into bin
these transmitted programs with all conveniences;
find the way to your heart
and experience there the light of candle !
It is the question of choice,
whether or not you are dominated,
whether they will be cast away,
and you born again.
As the right child,
put up your feelers on the Earth,
to examine these puppets by touch
and take life in your own hands.
You are led by the light of heart,
simply walking without shady plans;
you are not supporting any complexities,
neither securing yourself by the Darkness anymore.
Yes, you shall throw out resolutely into bin
all controlling programs,
which were hammered into yourself;
you shall turn them to dust.
You secure everything by means of your love,
following the nice narrow road,
that leads away from this world,
to your Right Home !
Yet open yourself more,
continue in clearing your heart,
in order to be no longer in your infancy,
to grow up, becoming adult shining Angel.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2080. Glance back once more (514). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) October 29, 2004.
16:17–16:27 p. m.
Place: The train Ceska Trebova – Olomouc.
„Glance back once more,
look on the scene of people,
just take it in your hand
and leave it with all.
The puppet scene was imposed
upon very dear planet Earth,
by the pseudocreators
and refused by love.
Everything consists of vibrations,
energy of human bodies,
and of those, who have deceived
this rather strange world.
After all, love also knows,
that once it will come to life;
falling narrow ray of light
will caress the small heart in callus.
When a small flower opens its bud,
surely, anybody learns of that;
then he leaves the darkness without further delay,
and quickly turns off by means of loving deeds.
Dear one, thus you may get out of your way;
the day filled up:
there is enough Light,
and so, fly up like a free bird.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2081. To the one, who got things moving. (Received Pavlina B.) November 2, 2004.
22:15–22:20 p. m.
Place: Environs of Brno.
„I am much obliged, with inward joy,
feeling your right way.
Your wisdom and diligence
was added to blessing of Czech people;
your soul is interwoven
with love and feeling.
The Friend wearing blue‑gold dress
goes his own clean way:
he is coming to protect you,
to guide you on the road of black mud.
Thus is carried out your great mission;
look !
There is a blissful happiness in store for you.
Our Father records a big plus for you,
with work of fireflies,
your soul shoots up at full tear.
I thank you both,
small hearts open wide;
with joy I shall deliver that
to other fellowmen ...
In love, Ivo.
2082. The Mother Earth (515). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) November 4, 2004.
23:08–23:22 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The planet Earth,
in its silence,
revolves round the little star,
nowadays called the sun.
Its wondering is difficult:
the Earth carries
special nature’s work:
the humankind that forgot freedom.
Terrestrials anchored to its body,
chase after matter,
while still clinging to illusion,
that slavery makes sense.
They work like a dray horse for the benefit of those,
who threw the instructions for everyday hardship,
which is accepted willingly on the assumption,
that this is the right thing.
The planet Earth observes
what are the terrestrials singing:
the illusory song,
leading to darkness.
The dryland protects
half of the surface,
against devastation
of coarse‑vibratory agonizing notions.
The great mother Earth
yet holds the bodies,
that are chronically sleeping
and have lost the Spirit and soul.
At any rate,
that planet grants time, impulse, to many,
who then could extricate themselves from darkness
and find the sphere of life.
That sphere can be defined as dimensions
with abundance of light;
there everybody is the picture of health,
rejoicing and living in happiness.
Man, listen how the Earth
moans all the time;
but soon it will purge itself
from evil people.
The Mother Earth gave some time,
to have chance,
the sought heart,
and found the quality of life.
Yes, it spins on its axes,
the Mother Earth, nature,
who gave you everything,
having nothing herself, any more.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Mother Earth, with a great pleasure“.
I thank you, dear Earth;
I shall deliver the message to countries,
where people long for love with happiness,
and nowadays try their hardest.
2083. Sure thing. (516). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) November 6, 2004.
20:30–21:00 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Day by day
I hear „you must“,
and as we grow weak,
you practise every day.
What drives the body, and why?
That limited unit?
What’s that, what is it about?
Who knows, how is the knowledge amplified?
The world wonders;
regarding this body,
it is like in a puzzle,
and in LOVE !
This physical body
is as the last one in a row,
connected to many other bodies
by way of feeding from the Creator.
Every body with mind,
becomes conscious
of its state and Creation –
who I am and where I go.
Why I know so little?
About myself and Creation?
About my position and life?
Where are other worlds?
then SOMEBODY caused that,
went to great lengths
to COVER it.
He aimed at nothing else,
then at cunning dominance of life
enjoyed by terrestrials,
wanting them to think, that it belongs to them.
But it does not, and newer did,
since the life is preprogrammed
dishonestly and forcibly,
by the ones, who still dwell in darkness.
As soon as you seize your reality,
you stand a chance
to take in your own hands personal life, the RIGHT one,
which IS NOT an illusion any more.
Such life is full of good,
wisdom, truth,
wealth of feelings,
coming from dear Creator.
Day by day goes by,
you experience that Creator’s guidance,
against the tide
of controlling on a mass scale.
Dear one, jump out of river,
float light as a feather,
blameless, exonerated from sins,
having taken a weight off your mind.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2089. Love. (Received Helena N.) October 29, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Love reminds of beautiful mirror,
which serves as a fount of knowledge,
so that people could know their way
about the whole world.
Love reminds of marguerite,
which unfolds and blooms at dawn,
when dew is falling in the morning.
Love reminds of you,
who is recording for approaching November days
the words that seem to be so reliable,
but remain unexpressed,
and hidden like under a spider’s web;
they are waiting till your heart
will be imbued with blissful feeling.
Then the bright Light
will shine endlessly,
on all creations
in the wide world incessantly,
until the planet Earth
changes into PARADISE.
With love, the primary Creator of everything and everybody.“
2090. Beauty. (Received Helena N.) October 29, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Yellow and orange are colours
of sun and determination,
suggesting its blazing heat:
everybody feels that energy,
which emanates from them.
Perhaps that whole beauty
is rooted only inside,
and outwardly forces their way by means of love,
which wants to permeate that beautiful world.
Beauty reminds of sunflower
exposing itself to sun,
and wanting to change the world
by way of its loveliness.
Beauty suggests infinity
that will accompany you during the whole era,
because immensity as a whole comes from the Creator
and jointly forms your golden age.
With love, the primary Creator of everything and everybody.“
2091. Time. (Received Helena N.) October 29, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Time is one endless passage,
which looks like big bang,
but cannot be measured,
since at its end
is waiting its beginning.
Time was invented
just by people,
who wanted to shorten their period.
And so, in that long,
lasting continuous eternity,
lives, years, months unwind,
and concurrently it seems,
that day follows night,
and that it is supposed to be that way.
With love, your beloved Creator of everything and everybody,
who is here with you for ever and ever.“
2092. About hope. (Received Helena N.) November 8, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Love, in your eyes I see,
that expressive shining glitter
of your thoughts and emotions,
rising from your heart to the surface,
and with immense desire feeding out
millions of very small hearts,
which shall change your longing
into cosmic infinity,
where will appear
only me and you.
With love in heart satisfies us
even mutual deep look, eyeball to eyeball,
and all our past lives are enough
for our remembering,
Everything goes further,
but from the reached advanced stage
we have already arrived at sooner,
and our voices still remain unanswered by people,
who avoid love and seek happiness in particulars
that are regarded as essential by a man, who believes in them.
That’s maybe also the reason
why I again yearn for inner calm and peace;
memories of you sail in my mind
and pervade my heart with happiness.
Do you want to try, too,
what it is like to be loved,
to love and remain faithful
to your sons and yourself ?
Follow the road leading to the Light,
so that we may be together
locked in a tight embrace,
looking forward to every day,
and whisper sweet words
like two young pigeons:
This was transmitted with love in heart,
by Ashtar Sheran and people from Pleiades,
to those who deserve that poem.“
2093. Fidelity. (Received Helena N.) June 4, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
“Fidelity is given in heart
and for everybody it is thus available;
sometimes maybe it seems to be
cherished too much.
It reminds of Sun,
that leans
on corn poppy,
and also suggests clouds
that sail in the sky,
there, in the bluish distance.
Perhaps you will feel in your bosom
that desire to flow into unity;
then be aware of finding
the real treasure.
When the white pigeonhen waves wings,
and snakes set out on a long journey,
the beloved Earth
will thoroughly see about
all its cherished children,
who love this planet and believe in it.
Its glow of everlasting love,
with eternal light,
shall always burn for that wondering of yours.
And once in the infinite distance
will resound that loving voice:
„God bless you, I love you“.
Again I look forward to those precious moments,
which will remain recorded in my mind for ever,
reminding of limitless gate,
opened evermore for all
who feel the same as I do.
„I shall love you for ever,
it makes me happy to have you,
and I believe, that you, dear Creator,
shall never leave me;
you will be with me for ever and ever.“
From the Creator.”
With love, Helena.
2094. The harmony of souls. (Received Helena N.) June 5, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Some souls remind a roundabout;
they are turning gloomily all the time,
not being able to disentangle themselves
from malice, hatred and contempt.
Indeed, I cannot event imagine,
that such qualities could persist in hypothetical paradise;
these rather belong to chaos, confusion and wars,
which seem to illustrate reliably,
that power triumphs all over the world,
and as if nobody cared, that:
Starving people are dying,
although natural desire to live
impels them to do everything humanly possible.
The nature looks very devastated,
and the mineral wealth melts away.
Terrestrials do not arouse enough love –
although people of every sort and kind
produce in others false impression,
that they cherish it in their hearts,
and that surround others with love more and more.
My dear friends,
I would like to deliver you message,
that your hidden love deserves to be given
to every being on this Earth.
I desire very much to present you
with that light from my heart, which would remind
of our friendship and interconnection of all things,
that seem to be unbelievable nowadays,
when the time of love is coming.
To the loving ones
Ashtar Sheran and people from Pleiades.“
2095. Love. (Received Helena N.) June 5, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Love reminds a rose,
that blooms at the right time.
Maybe that love arouses you from your sleep,
and memories clinging only to the one beloved still crowd on you.
Perhaps you suffer from loneliness and do not believe in it?
That love disturbing your peace,
will feel abandoned,
until your heart believes,
that it is just love,
which unites the whole world.
Therefore I would like to tell you, my dear ones,
that it seems foolish at times,
when sometimes almost carelessly
you want to take it.
After all, love suggests teardrop,
which could be put to sleep on morning dew,
and the infinity of your soul,
as if were open afar
and happy like the sun,
which warms in every heart,
although it might be at the parting of the ways,
and seeks home,
which is known so well in one’s heart of hearts.
This was transmitted to you by Ashtar Sheran and people from Pleiades.“
2096. About love. (Received Helena N.) June 11, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Love reminds a marguerite,
that between others does not look exceptionally
on a flowering meadow,
in beauty and the radiance of the sun,
but inside that glamour is hidden,
and could be found by anybody who seeks,
since nobody is deprived of that yearning
making so beautiful human beings like you,
who go after defined goal,
following love, searching.
We could talk our head off about love,
which never dies and is concealed in every human being:
just find, accept and give it
to all fellowmen.
In this is that love infinite,
because touches others and changes the world:
and all manner of things take their true shape,
thus approaching nearer to the Creator.
It’s fascinating, how that gradual transformation
continually changes everything for the better.
Keep in heart your love,
which should not ever die;
Love is so wonderful
in all its beauty.
With love, loving Ashtar Sheran and people from Pleiades.“
2097. About Grace. (Received Helena N.) June 11, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Grace is not something like science,
which seems to be entirely
explored and analyzed by anybody with anything.
Grace is something completely new, what man discovers
in this era, which seems to be gold one,
like a precious stone hidden inside and found at the right moment.
Perhaps, somebody might say:
after all, Grace existed already since the beginning of time.
That’s true, but as well as the truth looks differently from various viewpoints,
also the Creator’s Grace looks diversify,
as if appeared in one form or other.
That might be regarded as a human folly
to thing that people thus could be guilty,
since they take a dim view of fellowmen’s deeds.
But for that you are incompetent;
Grace should serve as your weapon,
and the Creator Himself will judge, how time proceeded:
everybody’s thoughts will be played through and read at the right time.
Behaviour, love, confidence, understanding –
that all is treasured like jewels, which endure for long.
My dear ones, I would like to tell you only,
that the right time draws near now,
when the Grace of anybody and for everybody means:
turning upon God and sympathize with fellowmen.
With love, Ashtar Sheran and people from Pleiades.“
2101. Help from the universe. (Received Martin S.) November 10, 2004.
5:00–5:20 a. m.
Place: Turany.
„It is late in the night, the daybreak draws on,
the sky sprinkled with bright stars,
cleared up,
and warmed the cockles of my heart.
Among these shines
I look for the moving ones.
At my request
they change into big lights.
Like pharos flash me with a wave;
only intelligent being,
from another planet,
is able to set it tight.
This way the Cosmic people say hello,
when they are hovering over us in spaceships,
thus giving us friendly greeting
and encouraging signal.
They fly around planet Earth,
and concurrently make up for a loss of ozone.
Humankind would become sick
without their help.
We have polluted our globe enormously,
while it is unbeknown to us,
how much we are thus harming it;
we will have to find that to our cost.
It is a good thing,
that somebody has enough reason to relieve it;
but people, you have to realize,
that this help will not be provided forever !“
2102. The planet Shan to terrestrials. (Received P.) November 13, 2004.
22:15–22:20 p. m.
Place: Martin.
„Daughter, if you want,
hear these words
spoken by your mother,
called the planet Shan.
I have strong and profound feeling,
that the last days draw near
together with the end of significant chapter;
every soul is positive
about ardent pure love
to God, Father, the Creator
– love of the Heaven –
Ah, I love all beings,
who feel this way
and who clear their hearts towards God,
opening up to him with tenderness,
already looking down
from above on the pseudoworld.
They love, caress, rejoice,
working for the Creator.
I thank them all;
I love and cherish you,
praying to Father – watching for your sake.
If only I could carry you
– already on the New Earth.
I’m looking forward, time runs out;
the New Earth opens its arms
for all who give way to the genuine will –
– the will of the Creator.“
I thank you, dear Shan, with joy I shall deliver this poem to my fellowmen. With love, P.
2103. Get on. (Received Rosta D.) May 23, 2004.
Place: Cesky Tesin.
„These events you became acquainted with (by means of the Bible and other books) are approaching. Prophecies foretold thousands and thousands of years ago will be fulfilled. You are important as for guiding citizens, your fellowmen. Everybody feels his mission.“
„Our twilight
has already approached;
in a while
shall everything sign off.
People, the time of liberation
has ripened.
Now is the right time
to get on.
You all are encircled
by love.
You all are excited
by that splendour.
Now it is important
to have your heart wide open,
while going to meet us,
and saying a few words of welcome.“
2104. Where life has true meaning (520). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) November 18, 2004.
19:28–19:32 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Where is love, there is peace.
Where is peace, there is life.
Where is life, there is happiness.
Where is happiness, there is welfare.
Where is welfare, there is bliss.
Where is bliss, there life, love and dreams have true meaning !“
2105. The Homecoming (521). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) November 18, 2004.
19:33–19:41 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The shining sun
opened with joy in your chest,
glowing by bliss in your heart of hearts,
shall give you everything you are yearning for.
Then you will see paradises – worlds
you still carry in your bosom;
these you beheld for the last time,
yet before you were born on this globe.
Then anew, when the time comes,
you will be flooded with magnificence of light – brightness,
like a bud found in garden;
and you shall feel the clean wind again !
Therefore you are still meeting us,
the heavenly Angels you know,
since, dear one, you are closely connected with them;
after all, you have just bounced boot out of their presence.
And hear, dear one, how the heart sounds,
sending out stream of light;
your heart of hearts, coming back Home,
is shining so impressively !
My child, you still call us,
to see the Angels of Light again;
when you finish your work here,
then you shall come back Home.
The days of peace go by,
day follows night;
then bright light shall glow
and you will never return any more.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2106. About heaven (522). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) November 29, 2004.
4:52–5:12 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Love is burning like fire,
any place you set eyes
in that glowing world,
where truth prevails all the time.
There peace reigns incessantly,
for ever and ever:
Heaven and myriads of worlds
testify to the Creator’s astounding work.
He energizes it by vibrations of love,
wisdom, good, intelligence;
His absolute vibrations
are available for everybody.
This way the inhabitants share
the Creator’s absolute energies,
according to them they adapt their choices,
and reciprocate them to the Creator.
This great sharing
is nothing out of the ordinary;
life is thus created
in the Creator’s Truth.
The ones who live here,
are related to three levels of Heaven,
depending on the distance
separating them from the Creator.
Thus the heavenly Angels,
by way of their inner nad outer beauty,
all the time experience life of such kind,
that chance would be a fine thing for you.
There are no sicknesses, causes of starving, wars,
monetary systems, politics, banks,
identifications, denominations, associations –
nothing like that.
On the other hand, they enjoy complete FREEDOM:
there is no dominance,
and cosmic beings may move across the universes
just through the medium of thought.
There is plenty of brightness in all places,
everything shines by way of the Creator’s light;
such splendour stems just from the heart,
you would not find it else on the Earth.
You, man, will once also behold
the expanses of many universes;
if you leave the negative state,
you shall find the Home of love.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2108. About faith. (Received Helena N.) November 23, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Does it make sense to ask about faith,
when the answers should be already known?
Faith reminds of a pigeonhen,
which flies around the big wide world,
and answers that question to others
by means of wings.
Faith reminds of a pinhead,
that makes this world happy,
when its flowers burn in summer,
desiring to emit that divine smell,
which is presently so sensual.
And hundreds of thousands very bright‑coloured blooms,
arranged far and near,
want to brighten up every day,
so that the spark,
which warms your heart,
could adorn the wide sky
like millions of stars,
and fly across whole vast galaxy
to the destination where it belongs:
to its dear Creator.
Thus, likewise the fortune
that will once smile on everybody,
I wish you, that your faith
would not be ever betrayed
by sorrow, misfortune and deception.
This was transmitted to you, dear ones, by Ashtar Sheran“.
2109. About freedom. (Received Helena N.) November 27, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Freedom is that particular,
which still drowses in your mind,
without being able to recollect
how easy it is sometimes,
to make your decision from heart
win over reason.
And the opening as a whole,
could become infinite,
alike faith and love,
leading also Jesus Christ,
when his steps resounded out in the country.
This way, my dear ones,
I would like to narrate that whole story
with love and understanding.
At that time were poverty and lies
balanced also by courage and justice,
that can change even this world,
in which people who open their heart
establish contact with the Creator.
And their streams of love flood and influence
other persons around us,
who then feel such change,
when the light shines in them
without stopping,
since the Light drives off darkness.
Therefore, dear ones, keep in yourself
small flame of blessing,
hope and believe all the time:
see you in better days,
because your courage will lead you
towards freedom.
To all nations:
if only you become united by love ...
... that would be wonderful.
Loving primary Creator of everything and everybody.“
2110. Heaven on Earth. (Received Helena N.) November 28, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Dear people, it would be great,
if so much joy,
on that wide world
without any wars and contempt,
would overcome all worries,
and love would flood the globe
with its heavenly glow;
happiness would visit all places,
and faith in our Creator
would not be pursued anywhere by a shadow of doubt.
Love, that’s beautiful feeling,
which cannot be grasped;
if anybody follows the road of destiny
and does not perceive the beauty around,
then he suffers from deceptive illusion.
Perhaps even you will once understand,
that also in the vast universe
now and then somebody thinks of Him,
despairs, yammers,
or laughs joyfully,
so that anybody is disarmed,
by means of this lovely smile
and power of that knowledge,
that congenitally everybody has the right to be happy,
enjoy his life and scream with laughter.
If only that bliss endures
and never keeps out of anybody;
if only smile lights up every human face
and also millions of other hearts,
which will behold its beauty.
This was transmitted with love to you by loving Creator of everything and everybody,
who would like to give you all blessing.“
2111. With love. (Received Helena N.) December 1, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„With love I write this page,
wanting to express,
how much I love you;
perhaps I should pay you polite compliments
for all your beautiful wishes,
that come from your heart,
and all the time orbit
around vast Milky Way,
waiting to be granted and fulfilled,
although they at times seem
to be hidden and without end.
With love I would like to give
my dedication also others;
if only love always accompanies them
together with good luck,
in order that your life
would be all the time illuminated
by light of love, harmony, calmness and peace.
With love, Ashtar Sheran and Cosmic people.“
2112. In the light of truth. (Received Helena N.) December 7, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„Ever since your times
were so hard as up to now,
you might ask:
Who should condemn anybody,
and become an enforcer of verdicts,
affecting fates of people,
who do not perceive love in their inner reality,
and yet see everything around
devastated and ravaged ?
Much like sooner was everything beautiful
and pure as the driven snow,
thus also your heart will radiate
that infinite love,
which it feels hidden inside:
love makes from human deeds the divine ones.
With love in heart,
I would like to wish you millions of lives
potentiated by right knowledge and spent in love,
which sweeps along its road
towards the beauty of its Creator.
With love, loving primary Creator of everything and everybody.“
2113. About being radiating only love. (Received Helena N.) December 7, 2004.
Place: Zlin.
„It is so wonderful to kiss somebody
and see in his eyes that charming feeling,
which uplifts towards the immeasurable celestial heights of the Milky Way,
where you all were born
and had lived eternally with love in heart,
without any fear and contempt;
you did not have a clue,
that also on the Planet Earth
people will try to live with love.
That love was full of happiness,
comprising nothing that could make sad
these opened hearts,
radiating only love,
that wanted to embrace you all,
and also suggest,
how important is that feeling:
to like somebody and love fellowmen,
to laugh joyfully,
believing in oneself and Creator himself.
These beings came into the world in rising number,
and every of them here would like
to bring about peace defined by special precedencies:
love, faith, joy and bliss.
Happiness reminds of love,
which does not want to enforce anything,
but only seeking poet
can find in that love the blissful feeling,
which is beyond description,
but can offer boundless satisfaction,
that could be out of that love conjured up
by means of word,
giving others more and more for ever.
From the Creator“.
2114. Swimming (523). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) December 14, 2004.
8:54–9:09 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
“I’m swimming in the pond today again,
I flash with delight and joy,
loving that play of body with water
like a child pregnant with the Creator.
I’m closely connected with water;
after all, I have experienced
hundreds of thousands lives in aquatic worlds,
at Home, near the Creator.
But everything concurrently reflects
the spiritual content of outward process;
„swimming in water“ also symbolizes
help in the Dark worlds.
The man who is enthusiastic about swimming,
is also able to move in the worlds
of dark conditions,
that are located in the zone of expulsion.
There he is swimming and also diving,
in order to provide help,
but he still breathes air,
while imbibing love and truth.
In that pond I rejoice,
illuminated by powerful lights,
signifying the Creator’s Truth
and reflecting around the rainbow of ascent.
Warm water symbolizes
pure Creator’s love,
which surrounds me all the time,
no matter where I splosh about in it.
The small bubbles around indicate,
that the air – life – can be found all over,
although that’s the subaquatic one,
taking place during lifetime of a nix who steals souls.
Alike a submarine I go down,
led by soft propulsions;
I shall seek terrestrials
requesting saving help coming from above.
Intense inhalation tokens
strength and persistence in mission,
focused on helping fellowmen
robbed of their souls.
That great pleasure I feel there
is defined by the right love,
radiating vibrations
in this aquatic environment.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.”
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2115. The bridge (524). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) December 14, 2004.
9:10–9:25 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Terrestrials will today inaugurate,
on the French territory,
their highest road bridge,
rising to the cope of heaven.
I have admired bridges ever since childhood,
as they always sign INTEGRATION
reconnecting what was once divided by someone,
for the purpose of negative dominating.
White bridge at any time denotes
contact of terrestrials,
with their homeland – the right heavenly Home;
they came just from there.
Dear Ivo, also your activities on the Earth
can be regarded as a bridge,
RECONNECTING lost people
with loving Angels.
That bridge is also built by means of „The Talks“,
books you have made available to terrestrials,
that comprise impressive number of our reports
you have processed with love.
You have delivered them to people;
these reports were not written without a hope of being published:
after all, if they remained hidden,
what for they would be recorded ?
The bridge connects two worlds,
which are separated by wide gaping chasm;
but everything can be changed,
if you finish construction of that superstructure.
You are brave architect of the bridge,
which is not supposed to fall into depth;
it is bearing the brunt of people,
who walk Home by way of positive approach.
The new bridge is now inaugurated,
and thus is everybody given chance to grow,
if he turns for the better,
following the road of truth, love, wisdom and good.
Well, any time presents itself the opportunity
to go and walk with the heart wide open,
glowing all the time,
towards the Right Homes.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2116. The little star. (Received P.) November 29, 2004.
17:30–17:40 p. m.
„Star, little star,
clearly shines from heaven;
the regular messenger of the daybreak
lights the way for others.
He has good heart
and is as busy as a little bee,
giving us lot of pleasure;
we all are singing with love.
Then we will fly back,
towards the beauty of eternal years.
And who is it ?
Why, you !“
This was transmitted with love to you by me and the Cosmic people; bye‑bye.
I thank you all, beloved dear ones; with love and joy in heart, Ivo.
2117. The blind world. (From the Buddhist book „THE WAY TO TRUTH“)
„This world is blind,
hardly anybody is here capable of seeing:
Just some few depart from here
to the heavenly worlds like a bird,
that got extricated from a snare.“
2119. We are leaving (526). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) December 20, 2004.
14:12–14:26 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„We, the feeling people,
who believe in truth and love,
and live on this world,
make our way Home, to live there.
We have the place to come back,
carrying it in our heart:
the Right Home on the Earth,
but in another dimension.
The ones who lead the Right life,
have provided selfless help,
without burdening their conscience,
and now they return Home.
They shall establish New Earth,
regarded as an utopia;
everybody dreamt of it,
as confirm thousand years of history.
That’s no fantasy,
since many nations and communities,
in this galaxy of ours,
have been living that way.
It is different society,
based on another principles –
the right ones:
love, faith, good and happiness.
The New Earth is engendered,
in this old cradle of people,
who have found the way to their heart;
they do not worship the golden calf, lies and trappings.
However, we shall lend our helping hands
to people living on the old Earth,
those, who also desire
to return Home one day.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
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