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„To love does not mean just to like someone.
it signifies belief and knowing the truth.
To love means to forgive and shake hands again,
it stands for sharing one’s soul and heart.“
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 1990.
Received Eva.
6. 9. 2004.
„The flowery meadow
decorated by dew
serves as a home
of various little animals.
The snail carries his small house of shell
all the time on the back
and it is heavy like an experience
defined by property.
The snail carries
his small house
like thoughts concentrated
on matter and money.
The house heavily presses
to the ground that snail,
who slowly sneaks
through own materialism.
Heavy thoughts,
saturated with matter,
might evoke memories of imprisonment,
like chains on legs.
The snail has nothing else
than a wish to heap;
that desire of possession
is his prison.
This was transmitted with open heart to all of you by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah, thank you, the primary Creator of everything and everybody; with joy I shall deliver the message to people having heart caressed by their breath.
Report 1992.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
9. 9. 2004.
»Once upon a time
there was an enchanted kingdom
in negritude covering the zone of expulsion.
Souls of fathers, mothers and children,
imprisoned by their thoughts,.
were turned into beds of cases.
Their bodies are allegedly alive,
but they are remote controlled,
and the men in question a fat lot know about it.
The Lord of darkness got their lives,
and enforced his plans,
providing for thousands of millions pseudolives.
The whole world is suggestive of chrysalises;
it does not exhilarate the spirit, the souls,
but they are surely instructed.
On a sudden they see dawning of a new era,
appeared the rider sitting on a white horse,
from the sky sowing the Light into darkness:
„I’m the prince from the fairy tale
about the Sleeping Beauty;
I came here to unyoke
the enchanted kingdom.
I came from the Kingdom of Heaven,
having millions of lives in human body;
my armour is heavenly love
as pure as the driven snow.“
Mother, father, children!
Wake up after long night,
crack cases by means of your love!
I revive you by my mighty kiss,
I caress your hearts with love,
finally removing darkness from your mind!
You lead a pseudolife of dreams,
and you are supposed to start the new life:
brothers and sisters from your Home are calling you!
The brier thornbush – the whole controlling pseudosystem
straight away collapses
like a house of cards.
And this enchanted kingdom
will be for ever liberated from the curse,
through the medium of truth and love.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all small stars by Ashtar Sheran.«
I thank you, wise Ashtar, thank you, the immortal Creator; with joy I shall deliver to our people this message in verse.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 1993.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
10. 9. 2004.
„Now you apprehend,
you still feel it
with your body.
Now you see with your own eyes
everything around arranged
by somebody, artificially, I dare say.
Now they rock you
like a bout on wave,
everywhere clamouring – so it is !
Now you enjoy peace,
the silence in your heart,
where is revealed the truth, secured tranquillity !
Now the flowering meadow
is flooded with blue light;
that’s the right work.
Now everything vibrates,
fed on love, the good,
from the Creator’s Centre.
Now is manifested the timeless,
just a kind vibration,
it is the harmonious life !
Now others plant plans
into original reality,
but it is not living – only dreams.
Now you know, how to feel immediately,
sort out the truth and lie,
sifting them in your heart.
Now foreign programs are under way,
subtle waves aimed at people;
they do not ask, whether you want or not !
Now you are controlled,
their thoughts are not yours,
Now you feel the source in your chest,
the spiritual heart of your ages,
your treasure – the rarest one.
Now you can make better selection
from your mind and heart;
you just illuminated what is yours – NOW.
This was transmitted to all terrestrials by Ptaah.“
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 1994.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
10. 9. 2004.
„This nice planet
is designated as planet Zero,
because of its special position
which was established by pseudocreators.
This planet was not incorporated into the Right Creation,
neither into the zone of expulsion;
it was curiously positioned:
the end justifies the means.
It does not have direct access
to the Right Creation or zone of expulsion,
in order that fallen angels – pseudocreators –
could control the mankind and perform experiments on terrestrials.
The pseudocreators isolated mankind
from the rest of Creation,
and therefore terrestrials did not reveal fraud
carried out for 7 000 000 years.
The pseudocreators pseudocreate the human race
as a tool against the scene
related to the primary Creator of everybody and everything,
and the Kingdom of Heaven, spirituality.
Targeted are mighty efficient puppets
who do not know anything about their origin;
with their assistance the pseudocreators want to conquer
the Creator’s Love, Wisdom and Truth.
This specific planet Earth
is very odd scene:
it pictures the truth and facts
Nowadays this planet Earth serves,
for many entities completing their mission,
as a spiritual battle field
penetrated by positive and negative energies.
The negative – from the Dark worlds
and the positive – from the Right worlds,
incompatible as far as their vibration is concerned,
are thus contraposed.
The planet Earth comports with that:
here was reflected accurate balance
of both kinds of energies,
apart from number of people.
Not only their behaviour,
mirroring the mission,
but also the solid surface,
both pleasant and wild one.
One half of the surface resembles
natural conditions of the Right nature,
the other half resembles deserts, rocks
and countries devastated by frosty weather.
One half of the terrestrial time
extends in blissful sun’s light,
at the other half takes turns
pitch darkness related to the zone of expulsion.
On every continent, in any nation, country
live people with loving mission,
and then the others,
who have chosen dislike, lie and foolishness.
Both of these kinds energies,
are mutually contrasting,
continually quizzically creating
The planet Zero always served
as a stage full of answers:
here is the Creator’s genius disputed
within the reconstruction in the external, physical reality !
The whole Right Creation waits for
full elicitation of the scene: how the puppets,
remotely controlled through the medium of machine,
pseudobuild glorious BABYLON.
It is built on the base of that EXTERNAL;
they do not care about the inner reality:
after all, what they do not see, that allegedly does not exist –
this is regarded as the right program !
Their abilities are degraded
to five and less percent,
so as not to get a glimpse of the truth;
they prefer to serve as obedient puppets.
This was transmitted to all through the medium of Ashtar Sheran’s heart of hearts.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall bring the Light into Darkness. With love in heart, Ivo.
Report 1996.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
16. 9. 2004.
„We came here, as the envoys of Light
to the planet Earth, the planet Zero;
where just goes on
the decisive spiritual battle . . .
Above all, the Light through the medium of OWN HEART,
by contrast, the war between thousands of millions of lies and truths,
a duel of manipulations and liberties;
the Darkness with technologies has come to the fore.
The stakes are very high:
parting of the terrestrial ways
defined by the Darkness – with myriads of calculating checkers
and by the Light – Love, True information and actions !
People are mostly approaching the edge of a precipice,
obligingly walking to the mouth of small saurians;
but certain number of terrestrials
is not drifted into marshland.
The struggle culminates – breathtaking life’s theatre;
everybody in the higher dimensions
is interested in anything
what is happening here, on the planet Earth.
Many CONSCIOUS Atlanteans
were born here on the planet Earth,
to complete the task of Light
by means of truth and love.
recognizing how matters stay,
opening it by love and deeds,
in spite of all traps and difficulties.
They have long before thrown all their incorrect books,
films, and lectures over their shoulders,
nasty controlling programs,
prepared by the Powers of darkness.
By dint of feeling you would find, dear one,
only few right sources in the Darkness;
the truth in its nakedness shines with cleanliness
in contrast with thousands of false sources.
Everybody acts according to his knowledge;
a swindler has not the faintest idea
that he is still dancing by means of his negativeness
like a puppet in somebody’s hands.
But another being feels and emanates love,
the truth is paved by his life,
as he fearlessly turns away
from the ignorance of Darkness.
That’s magnificent contrast of Light and Darkness,
between apparent truth amplified by wisdom
and mendacity with cunning hypocrisy
forced upon people from the Darkness.
All in good time;
the round of incarnations stops turning
here on the Earth, on the planet Zero;
the war is drawing to an end.
Thus everybody is the architect of these energies
and will be rewarded,
finding to his cost
what he did at his own free will.
Life is a feedback;
one’s actions, deeds, are continuously accumulated
and at day of the Last Judgement
will be screened the Creator’s film of Truth !
This was transmitted with love in heart to dear people by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar, with pleasure I shall deliver this poem to all.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 1997.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
17. 9. 2004.
„Love, I love you like nothing else,
I still carry you in my heart
like my beautiful baby.
The childhood is wonderful,
I remember that;
it is fascinating, believe me !
Their is always something to be discovered,
you can still make progress,
love and appreciate the world !
You are like a bud
staring at this planet, seeing everything,
but unacquainted with the answer !
I came to love,
I shall fancy
your beautiful child’s world.
Sweet enchanting baby,
with your little eyes curiously peeping,
you are meekly watching me all the time.
You came here to reveal
your joyful childhood,
to express the life as a game.
You are looking inwards
with sincere eyes enveloping in love your small heart,
that is vividly looking forward to experiencing this world.
There are Angels around you.
charming baby;
your eyes are wandering so tenderly !
Emanate the charm of child:
that’s your current nature
which you are supposed to accept.
Where have lost their childhood the individuals
growing old before their time,
thus precipitating premature death?
So, dear little star,
having kind small heart,
in you is mirrored the grace of God !
Where appears the wind, water, air,
there is lived through natural childhood
you have chosen to experience.
Every beginning was conjured up
by living in the previous phase,
in another tiny disguise.
This was transmitted with love in heart to you by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah, with joy I shall deliver the message according to my abilities.
Report 1998.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
16. 9. 2004.
„The wind caresses leaves,
love purifies soul,
garden in blossom smells lovely, as you know.
You can easily feel
trees suggesting the cosmic powers,
that created your life.
You just find yourself within the cycle of the world;
you are supposed to teach your fellowmen
how to love and bring about peace.
You are to show them here
the Right life – the scene
of eagle preserve.
Well are faring those,
who have with their heart
chosen rather love than coldness.
In this way they demonstrate to all,
how the plain truth can be found
and the heavenly love experienced.
For a long time you had been learning
how to put love into your life,
how to light the way for fellowmen.
Now you got the opportunity
to reveal for lost souls
that knowledge with feeling.
As far as your eye can see, dear one,
bring peace and light
filling your heart that ticks in your chest.
This was transmitted to you by the Angels of Light,
dwelling on spaceship, to facilitate accomplishment of your mission.“
I thank you, beloved Creator, and I thank also you, the Angels on spaceships; with joy I shall deliver this poetic message.
Report 1999.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
16. 9. 2004.
„The sun shall come up again,
beautiful time draws near,
birds are flying to and fro in the air.
You shall return again,
frost will not nip love,
and I shall fly with you.
Where cloud goes away,
there is also love, light,
you fly like a bird.
We will fly heavenwards,
by means of love, on the pinions,
together with you.“
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2001.
Received Dasa R.
15. 9 2004.
„Today you have come
to perform the part of servant of God;
long ago you were thus taught
that energies should not be stolen.
Why still so many people
do not understand and do not feel ?
They have not passed sufficient number of lives,
but even so, they did make their choices !
Step by step you walk shrouded in darkness,
between programs of realities – bushiness,
acclaiming nimbly footings,
while breathing, you see many rays of hopes !
Human world of small Is,
who generally do not care about their neighborhood;
they are preprogrammed out of partial scenes
pieced together few years beforehand.
Like cells, one scene followed by another,
spun through program of saurians,
as a FAKE of human reality
falsely imposed on you from the Dark worlds.
Individuals make different choices,
and thus a new scene comes into the world;
the stage is still full of scenes: it matters whether or not
terrestrials SET THEIR HEART on making resolutions.
The man having his heart in the right place,
rose smoothly above today’s scenes;
it is the right time to think hard,
to explore everything by way of one’s feeling.
Nowadays these choices culminate;
this period is important
for everybody without exception:
rise, man, consequences will follow !
By way of caress appears shaft of light
within this puppet scene;
it shows the right direction:
how to get out of the labyrinth !
You have the right human sensation,
perceiving that NOW,
the right timeless Homes
extending behind the waters – beyond the zone of expulsion.
I’m able to surround others with undying love;
for beloved little star
I write poems – the verses of life,
with joy they will be delivered also to other people.
This was transmitted with love in heart from the cosmic station by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I shall deliver the message to everybody. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2005.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
20. 9. 2004.
„Goodday, human soul,
where have you set off, our love ?
You write by means of your small steps
what you want to leave here in the terrestrial scene.
Days are elapsing one after another,
everybody has a chance
to show here actively love of shine
and light up dear hearts of good people.
Seize the opportunity with your heart,
the Creator bestowed it upon you;
you have learned that for long ages,
in the Right worlds of shine.
Many good people are waiting
for your light, resembling a river,
carried by means of love and truth
and spun by your whole being.
Do you like this scene ?
You have checked it essentially,
grasped with your touch,
drawn by means of your small steps of love !
You are planting one light after another,
all of them for those nice people,
who expected you for ages
and now for the first time they are knowledgeable.
The autumn colours leaves;
while this scene comes to existence,
you will recognize individual players one after another,
together with energy comprised in their deeds.
Now I write for you the goodday,
embroidered by love of heart,
shining into human soul,
that searched and again finds.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah, with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
Report 2006.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
20. 9. 2004.
„I travel by spaceship
reminding a bell of crystal;
we are guided by energy
called love.
Harmonious thought
affectionately inserted suffices:
the system of ship accepts it
and shifts such idea by way of vibrations.
It does not remind slide at all,
that happens by way of vibrational jump
between dimensions,
blended together with oscillatory realities.
The beings of Creator’s love,
living in harmonious way,
who know the spiritual teaching,
have been traveling across the multicosmos for a long time.
The ones, who razed the teaching of spirit to the ground
and confined themselves just to one place,
they have to relay on movable means,
in order to have the feedback of their mistakes.
That’s also the case of terrestrials,
who are creating the illusion of truth,
then they accept such a trap
and experience poor life.
And not at all only in one life:
they eke out a living repeatedly,
according to their choices
and adherence to those false illusions of theirs.
For beings of remaining Right Creation,
everything is selfevident,
it serves for them as an object lesson
what should not be chosen at all.
They fly across the universe,
visiting myriads of worlds,
working in partnership with the Creator,
on the basis of love, good and wisdom of ages.
This was transmitted with love in heart to dear people by Ptaah.“
I thank you, dear Ptaah, I will convey this message to terrestrials with pleasure. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2007.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
20. 9. 2004.
„Welcome, dear little one,
on that Earth of yours;
you have chosen the mission of help,
to bring for people love and truth.
That’s necessary here,
since the Powers of darkness are working diligently;
they want to wrap human souls
into bad capsules.
As you know that for a long time,
you can enlighten souls by light,
erode capsules by love,
and disclose the mission of Light.
You walk courageously, shrouded in darkness,
on the road paved by propulsions,
that are transmitted from spaceships
by sisters and brothers, who promised help.
You are passing examinations fearlessly,
even in situations of darkness – quite so !
There is a fixed point in your chest,
Jesus – your pilot !
You are not afraid of small saurians,
you shall make them jump the rails;
they continually try to enslave others by means of programs
and want to take control skillfully even of you.
But you shall laugh at them:
„boys, you are no match for me“,
you shall get them there by way of love,
they announce that their programs are in chaos.
Plan beforehand next to nothing,
but sense the guidance of Light,
since the checkers are not able
to disturb it by any program.
They make you laugh,
just doing what they know:
fetch and carry for air, food and clothing,
„living“ in underground slums !
They got what was coming to them
because of their choices;
however, learning from their mistakes they can remedy them;
then their affairs would take a turn for the better !
You are in better position,
enjoying more freedom, the nature;
but they envy you that all,
having nothing more than pictures.
They got their just deserts:
they are imprisoned
in the underground slums of frosty wasteland,
like on the planet Mars.
This controlling pyramid
once shall be liquidated:
Lord Jesus Christ shall dissolve it by means of his love,
when everything will be answered properly.
This was transmitted by Lord Jesus Christ.“
I thank you, dear Jesus, with joy I will convey this recorded message to terrestrials. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see the book The New Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2008.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
20. 9. 2004.
„Anybody who had chosen love already long ago,
appears at the end of the Spiritual path,
working at full stretch
on the mission of selfless help for fellowmen.
The man who helps so much,
himself obtains lot of help,
form the Creator and from the Universe people
who sojourn in their spaceships everywhere around.
In the sixth and seventh revolution of the Spiritual path,
the aircraft carrier is of great help to him,
regarding given projects
and operating efficiency.
According to his activities of Light,
the flight crew on the spaceship,
working in threehour shifts,
is given special tasks within the bounds of project focused on help.
Since the man who can see
is excluded from the scene by controlling system,
he is not compatible anymore,
and therefore obtains great help.
The flight crew on the spaceship takes on
movements, shopping, transport of the agent,
also jams by means of love the controlling oscillation
and uses own propulsions in place of it.
Thus are the opposite systems
kept in mutually useful function:
the men who can see has certainly anything
what he needs for his mission.
The ones who have deficiencies and do not pay their debts,
have not adequately advanced,
they did not manifest positive state
at the beginning of the Spiritual path.
Dear Ivo, you can see for yourself
how splendid reward you have reaped:
the unselfish work of Light,
the necessary work for the Creator.
This was transmitted to you by us,
when we appeared 5 kilometres above the train,
in which you just transport the Light
in the form of 700 envelopes.
The cosmic brothers and sisters.“
I thank you, dear ones, gladly I shall enter this information into the controlling scene. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see the book The New Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2009.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
20. 9. 2004.
„I walk ahead
in the Velka Fatra,
where already for the second time
a fire salamander got in my way.
The black animal with yellow spots,
as if they were shaped by a paint brush:
that moving creature writhes like a snake,
making creeping steps.
That strange animal
reminds me vividly of somebody,
by appearance and behaviour:
why those cold small saurians.
They are also cold,
and their body inwardly shows a likeness to salamander;
that body was long ago developed
into this negative entity.
They just keep silence
and conceal those strange intentions of theirs,
all the time hiding themselves in the underground slums
and there they manipulate at a distance.
Dear people, be on your guard
against those cold small saurians,
who forgot long ago how to love
and nowadays they are enchanted in the darkness.
Dear man, watch:
how are on this terrestrial scene,
accurately reflected
other inner worlds.
I would not prefer anything more than
meeting only little animals;
there was a good harvest in that green realm
for human buds.
That fire salamander walks ahead,
becoming part of nature,
having here suitable place;
this creature represents dark nest.
By every natural process
is depicted another spiritual one;
the inner worlds are thus revealed
on the Earth, on the planet Zero.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all terrestrials by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah, with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
Report 2010.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
23. 9. 2004.
„The human would revolves round
thousands of human problems,
in proportion to violating
of loving spiritual principles by terrestrials.
Everybody here can see
what kind of life he leads;
nobody is satisfied,
thinking that health is just a science fiction.
Computers and mobile phones
here are fed by illusions;
the inner worlds
enter into this outer scene.
Everybody here experiences
dominance of all kinds,
in order to make a choice later:
whether to enter into Light or Darkness.
The ones who seek the Light
were granted the grace of Creator;
the ones who have found the Darkness,
fell quickly into it.
That grace is gift granted to people,
given by beloved Creator,
in order that they could liberate themselves
from the mud of slavery and darkness.
They are led step by step,
gaining new consciousness;
the previous dominated life
changed into imposed dream.
They got more Light,
discerned the truth of their situation,
and threw illusive views
into litter basket.
The unselfish work of Light,
offers safety of freedom;
nowadays can be seen the results of effort,
found to one’s cost.
Every beloved man reaching the finishing line,
shall be granted GRACE;
rightness of human choice
is decked out with the depth of knowledge.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2011.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
23. 9. 2004.
„Streams of rain roll,
in the mountains and forests, to the sea.
Massive catharsis is under way:
the human thoughts, lifting the Earth, are purified.
This planet is living being,
who does not want coarsevibrational powers,
human malice, enviousness, mammon,
neither other nasty energies.
But the harmonious powers always prevail,
maintaining everything by means of their love,
singing in tune for the ignorant mankind,
otherwise there would be no nature, no countries.
On this scene of nature,
you, terrestrials, the human race,
find that pure and joyful song,
by way of eternal love.
After all, this would be more than sufficient:
just catch and experience love,
and the streams of rain will wash away
human pain, foolishness.
Streams of rain roll,
water roars in valley,
giving people to know – reporting:
anything ancient will be changed !
Human residences will be flooded with water,
and consequently mainland shall subside,
the majority of terrestrials will end in depths –
in the Dark worlds related to the zone of expulsion.
Water roars day by day,
that terrestrial mighty, fresh element;
everybody should quickly understand
that his days are numbered.
His terrestrial journey comes to an end;
all individuals who did not heed what was said,
who trampled love and good,
all of them are nowadays on verge of drowning.
They are heading to the Dark worlds,
and there they shall find to their cost
all the evil and falsehood,
which they left behind themselves on the Earth.
The subaquatic world is related
to the Dark worlds without love,
where everybody shall make his choice:
whether to remain or to come back.
This was transmitted from the cosmic station, with love in heart to all, by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2012.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
23. 9. 2004.
„Who are you, little man ?
Why are you here, moonlet ?
Do you feel your consciousness ?
Do you feel the ONE you are – the essence ?
What aim in life you have chosen ?
Where are you heading on this terrestrial journey ?
You focused on these questions
and now you expect answers !
Your birth was preceded
by hundreds of thousands human lives,
on numberless planets,
in many bodies of various kinds.
Within these lines you developed,
experienced millions of relations
with other individuals,
with people and other beings.
There are various worlds,
the Right or the Dark ones;
in the Right worlds you learned about love,
in the Dark ones about life.
You become acquainted with life by means of darkness,
consciousness is preceded by the unconscious;
then that all is pieced together,
arranged like stones in one great mosaic.
Lives thus resemble stringed beads,
wired on your Spirit;
there you always clearly stringed
other physical realities.
Yes, you are love,
little man, who experienced farreaching creation;
therefore stand still for a while,
to get a picture of truth !
Nowadays another cycle comes to an end,
important truths appear;
your infinite knowledge
will be crowned by that puzzle of lives.
We, the Angels of Light,
thus call from your Home:
open your Right consciousness in successive steps,
to understand who and where you are.
You shall crown your consciousness
by way of deep insight,
and preserve it by means of love
as pure as the driven snow on field.
This was transmitted by Ashtar with joy nestled in love.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy and love I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2013.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
24. 9. 2004.
„Beloved one, remember that truth, love and good
are shared within the work of Light,
as wisdom delivered selflessly
from the bottom of one’s heart.
Love each other, dear ones,
let everybody experience the truth;
substantiate your deeds by inner reality,
to make them useful.
Feel the steps
taken by the Creator and the Angels,
by way of positive behaviour
in the harmonious life.
Our beloved Creator,
made some of terrestrials,
suited for profession they have chosen in addition
yet before they were born.
Faith healing is the subject
focused on your health:
wounds are healed by means of love,
and the life serves as source of knowledge.
Domain of meditation is supposed
to mediate love for all,
among others also
for composers and singers.
Subject of teleinformation
is the hardest one of all:
people are guided
which way to sail on the stormy sea.
The work of Light is prepared for the ones,
who seek help,
and is managed by heavenly Angels,
who aim at its effect.
The one who feels the guidance
arranged by the Creator and Angels,
works on firstclass projects
within supplied systems of help
He is the one who in accordance with that guidance,
shall step by step transform
his truth, good and love,
supported by helpful Angels.
This was transmitted from the bottom of heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2014.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
24. 9. 2004.
„People are diligently working,
earning a lot of money;
after all, they have to:
everybody sailed on a river.
And was carried away by a stream,
in the direction of the ocean – towards the Dark worlds;
anybody who does not swim against the current,
will get drowned definitely in the ocean !
There are wellknown values,
both the inner and outer ones;
the inner values are of spiritual nature,
but the outer ones just falsely shimmer.
The majority of terrestrials
is guided by VARNISH;
these people do not care about the inner reality,
the Right spiritual values.
Only few hearts
prefer their souls,
the concrete deed,
they are not partial to empty words and mien.
The varnish flickers
like celebrated GOLDEN CALF,
folks carried away by a stream,
by controlling program of darkness.
The man who asks
about inner meaning of particulars,
lives continually in love;
after all, he expects answer !
Those who pretend that everything is clear,
and accept with pleasure
programs delivered from the darkness,
trampled love of life.
And that life they focused on outside,
forgetting about their heart of hearts;
they were firmly grasped
by quick controlling dance !
They are shaking like flies in net,
do not see the abyss bellow;
these individuals move in rhythm of checkers,
became fond of it themselves !
They quiver in the allurement of darkness,
accepted the puppet world – terrestrial rhythm –
from the dark machines,
accurately programmed long ago.
The dawn of the wise ones,
who swim against the current,
as good swimmers,
the Light of Home, comes near !
This was transmitted with love in heart by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2015.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
24. 9. 2004.
„The human world is dancing quickly,
as a mighty program,
glancing up like to its optimal reality,
imposed from the Dark worlds.
By every selection is decided,
whether the puppets of the puppet scene,
will dance with rhythm
regulated by controlling machine – the datasystem.
The majority of people is liable to it,
sections of them then demand care:
that’s the individually programmed,
dancing puppet scene !
Only one man of one hundred people really lives,
just some of them feel
the inner life – the spiritual one –
apart from the controlling machines!
They at all times refuse
millions of programs,
thrown out from that puppet scene
of little saurians – crazy work.
The dance of puppets culminates;
they continually build something,
having programmed almost everything,
without asking their heart of hearts.
All in good time:
the puppet scene tilts,
the chasm of darkness yawns bellow
as a place of possible death by drowning.
They dance and dance with rhythm, all the time,
listening to the chirping of news from media,
to the platitudinous halftruths,
defined just by controlling programs.
Only few people
stand clear of that system
introduced by the pseudocreators,
who want to visit it now.
Various cosmic powers
watch shrewdly the course of events,
going on this puppet Earth
with the Creator’s permission.
Make a stop, little one,
remain INACTIVE for a while,
thus you temporarily liberate yourself from the dominance,
as you want !
This was transmitted with love in heart to terrestrials by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2016.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
24. 9. 2004.
„Beautiful day coexists
with loving people;
they are only few here,
but have a long arm.
Their principle of love and good
is the higher one;
they are not guided by hearsay,
rather set good example for others.
Good people are few and far between,
here in crowds of terrestrials;
these individuals aim at wisdom of ages,
that kind of judiciousness they acquired in the course of many lives.
Nowadays, when the mankind degenerates,
THE GOOD performs important function,
since it balances the whole system
by means of positive energy.
Although the Dark powers increase,
loving people get stronger, too:
they arouse love, good, truth,
and thus protect the world from collapse.
Anybody can display his fortes,
find corresponding expression;
it is up to them,
if they are partial to daubs.
The bewitched people
paint and paint their lives,
in the controlling program,
on the very opposite of love – STOP !
I feel every day this world
disobeying the songs of heart;
there are just few of them here,
but loving people are inspired by them.
You, rare terrestrial,
hold on your heart,
keep this world afloat,
apart from the zone of expulsion – the darkness.
In your chest is carried the love song,
the one people mostly do not care about:
in your heart of hearts can be found real treasure;
unwise people their treasure threw away.
Your awakening grows stronger today,
since you started for the journey of Light long ago.
How the Dark powers react ?
They rave, but stand off.
Thus great frost here thaws out
by means of your strong love:
no man alive could ever stop you;
after all, it is worth the effort !
This was transmitted with love in heart to by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2017.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
25. 9. 2004.
“I have sweet dreams in the nighttime,
fired with love, while reaching this goal;
I’m out of this Earth now,
looking after nocturnal visits for a longer time.
As other people are sleeping fast,
I rejoice in presence of my Friends;
two days of their time can be compared
to half an hour of terrestrial time.
The radiant Universe people,
dwelling on the cosmic station,
experience another world of theirs:
the divine, pure – loving one.
Dear daughter, there it is lawful
to love anybody you want;
they are not restricted by any commandments of a kind:
„It is not allowed, it is allowed“.
I have here many Friends,
they are beautiful angelic beings;
try hard, nice terrestrial daughter,
to join already our company.
By every nocturnal visit
is announced approaching event:
namely, I will not stay long
with terrestrial beings.
The visitor’s transition nears,
as chosen by him yet before he was born;
by means of the right love
he learns about that one carried in chest.
Thus many people are living here,
pushing towards their goal,
related to the terrestrial mission;
later they go on in heaven.
Dear one, you are expected
by infinite number of worlds,
in heaven full of Angels,
who shall celebrate your coming in love.
The life’s pilgrimage on the Earth rounds off,
drifted and identified by way of poems;
pure love paves the road,
leaves fall, year draws to an end.
This was transmitted with love in heart by Ashtar Sheran.”
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2018.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
25. 9. 2004.
„We shall meet on the spaceship
any time we want;
just let us try out,
knowing how to live.
Before falling asleep,
we extend wish by way of thought,
to meet with Friends
on their spaceship.
That’s the only wish,
cherished by all of us:
to be with the Cosmic people
and experience joyful life.
So, dear ones, try hard;
let us meet at night without any problems,
after falling asleep,
your mortal frames shall be transferred smoothly.
Such visits are arranged
also on the Earth;
people who radiate love,
associate with the Angels.
This was transmitted with pure love in heart to all by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah, with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2019.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
25. 9. 2004.
„What happened today ?
The sun streamed me,
I was caressed gently by its ray,
and my heart lighted up the life.
The angelic ray caressed you,
kissed your dear little heart,
lighted up your day,
and accompanied you joyfully.
I can feel
the angelic sweet caress,
my face recuperated,
ah, that’s fascinating !
The Angel of Light loves you,
streaming lightly like in a breeze:
he carries you in his heart
like a newborn child, little one !
Today I discovered the Angel,
who surrounded me with love;
it is significant beautiful day,
I’m at a loss for words, I cannot describe that dream.
Life is now much easier,
happier and more cheerful:
in beauty, together with the Angel,
floats like a featherlet.
I glow and take up looking into the heart,
into warm glare;
the Angel is afloat in front of me,
incessantly loving, from the bottom of his heart.
I’m illuminated by streams of love,
but these are also powerfully reciprocated with my streams;
after all, I know what is love:
giving, not only receiving !
Thus I surround powerfully the Angel with love, too,
through the medium of my open heart;
that’s happy moment:
dreaming of love song.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all of you by Ptaah.“
I thank you, dear Ptaah, I will convey this message with pleasure. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2021.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
26. 9. 2004.
„My spiritual heart,
singing more and more,
opened for some years,
experiences mighty revolution.
The love song sounds
from the bottom of my heart,
like a violin concerto,
the sweet choir with thousands of small voices.
I take up radiating love
surrounding people like newborn babies;
they are as quiet as a mouse,
and accept nice experience.
By way of mighty light,
the heat of good, vibration of truth,
pours out into reality,
through the medium of my spiritual heart.
I feel strong vibrations of love, heat:
they are fluttering
in relation to Angels,
our divine cherubs.
The heart is shining wide open,
I show good by way of love,
since I’m supposed to give love to all fellowmen,
day after day.
You know, to experience that precious moment,
in all its glory, that’s splendid, like a vortex of light:
when the Light surrounds you with love;
thanks to our beloved Creator.
All blocks in my bodies
crack under the mighty power of Light;
I adorn entirely my rare life
with the work of Light.
Once everybody shall experience
the revolution of heart,
flying through the fundamental change,
transforming one’s life completely.
Thus we love by way of our heart,
of our inner spiritual insight:
the good and truths of our fellowmen,
their love and wisdom.
This was transmitted with love in heart by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2022.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
26. 9. 2004.
„Man, you can feel God’s existence
anywhere you glance up,
in every grain of sand,
in the shine – like in a love letter.
The Creator creates incessantly everything by way of love;
every being is supplied
with high vibrations of love,
wisdom, truth and good.
Life comes from the Creator;
you feel it everywhere:
everything is made of love,
by thread of the clearest Creator’s thoughts.
As good farmer sows,
the Creator sings the love songs,
always with guaranteed result,
having absolute wisdom of ages.
His base is pure love,
everything returns to love:
he does not investigate anything else;
ah, that’s fascinating !
Myriads of the right beings,
the Angels created by Him,
help the Creator in his creating;
ah, that’s fascinating !
Also this world is spun
by means of Creator’s pure love,
although the dark ones may temporarily manage
with Creator’s permission.
The Creator did not establish human system,
although it is yet also supplied with His high vibrations of love;
that system is supposed to manifest properly results
hanging on denial of His love.
On many Right planets,
put upon heaven,
love and wisdom still flourishes,
as was given by the Creator.
The God’s love emanates in all places,
the beauty of Creation is selfevident;
the whole multicosmos can see that,
every Angel would bear witness.
This was transmitted with love in heart by the primary Creator of everything and everybody.“
I thank you, beloved Creator, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2023.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
27. 9. 2004.
„Day follows night,
and analogously are also divided ages
into repetitive periods,
so that the evolution can bear its fruit.
The planet Earth was defined
for a long time by dark age,
which already exploited its possibilities and raised new ones;
now the New Earth will be raised from the old society.
Certain proportion of terrestrials
has acquired loving positive attitudes,
in order to become independent
and to give up the old heritage.
These people are already creating
the New Earth here nowadays;
time of rise ripens –
with approaching separation from the old negative society.
Love is the key to advancement,
love as pure as the driven snow;
consequently extraordinary opportunity presents itself:
terrestrials could at last escape from transparent trap.
Nowadays you can see the human turmoil,
characterized by incessant rush and soulless building up,
just to have something to pull down later;
and in the ruins can be found grain.
With these and many other realities
is every planet divided into dimensions;
independent stages – VIBRATIONS –
are faded into one another.
The New Earth appears in the fifth dimension;
on this terrestrial globe,
it is by way of scenic beauties
prepared to receive loving people.
There shall flower new society,
based already on this reality
and attainment of true happiness,
without secular power of money and media.
Try hard, the little one,
to become part of the New age;
ENJOY at least for a little while
the consciousness of love.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2024.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
27. 9. 2004.
„The little one, nice terrestrial,
stand still for a while
and savour the sign of love;
interrupt your time of great haste.
If you suffer from loneliness,
that’s the program of the other side;
but you are still surrounded
by loving Angels.
When you radiate love
from the bottom of your heart,
then the happy nice angels
keep your company.
They enjoy loving
people like you;
the cosmic brothers and sisters
are around all the time.
And it was always that way,
as long as the worlds exists;
you have here the loving Angels
under any circumstances.
Yes, love born on the Earth,
we see that and we help you,
carrying great heart for you,
we, the heavenly Angels.
We are capable of so profound love,
that you cannot even imagine that;
of that angelic love, given to you,
which blossoms here, in heaven.
You have stopped your terrestrial time
through the medium of your open heart
and consequently barricaded the program of darkness;
now you shall move forward.
Nearer to the beloved Creator,
where is echoed the mighty brightness and piece;
there the Angels express the celestial harmony by their singing,
by way of their thoughts, serving as instruments.
Today, the little one,
you have dreamed of shining day,
you were flooded by glow of love,
released in your heart.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2025.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
27. 9. 2004.
„I write short poem
for us, for terrestrials,
to like each other
and to open our heart.
In human heart is hidden much of God’s love,
the pure, beautiful, superb one;
it always comprises the grace of God:
through Him you might feel everything.
How much love grew in individuals ?
when I see them, I ask that question:
we open our hearts;
I send them love, too.
Since I feel that in this way,
perceiving and loving them,
I bless them by way of word,
surrounding others with my love.
This small poem was put into my senses by my beloved friend Ashtar Sheran himself.“
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2026.
Received Tana P. .
27. 9. 2004.
„Two cat’s eyes
look at me and watch,
with mysterious bewitching charm:
who knows, what entity radiates behind them ?
Cat’s sincere eyes, big ones, like two wheels,
stare at me steadfastly,
fixed their gaze on me,
penetrating me, inside.
Is that a cat, observing me ?
Why so long, and why so thoroughly ? What picks on me ?
No, it is not; that is an extraterrestrial,
who is using the cat’s eyes as cameras.
That entity scrutinizes me,
seeing every detail;
nothing escapes the attention
of this extraterrestrial.
If the observed man is loving,
he is scrutinized by the Angel of love;
if the terrestrial is evil,
the observer has similar characteristic features.
The angel of love looks at me,
incessantly, without batting an eyelid;
by means of his affectionate glance
is radiated love through the cat’s cameras.
Dear love, we see everything here,
not only through the medium of cat’s eyes;
if we want, we can put ourselves
in the right frame of mind for any human eyes.
Every being has
specific frequency of one’s own;
that’s simple toy:
it suffices just to put oneself in the right mood for it.
Thus the loving Cosmic people
the Angels, can observe
any movement of terrestrials,
who were taken under their wing.
Remember, that in cat’s eyes
is hidden mighty power;
the beings loving you from the bottom of their heart
keep you under observations by means of them.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2027.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
27. 9. 2004.
„We follow the forest track,
taking the long mountain valley,
passing through the unbroken national park;
it is not for the first time.
We are not disturbed here by anybody,
only greeted by little animals living in forest;
jay, salamander, frog, falcon, they all call:
we rejoice that you are here with us !
Suddenly in front of us, on the lefthand side,
appears a meadow, leading up to heaven;
that mead is edgewise framed, ravishingly,
by healthy forest – the green realm.
Above the meadow, afar off,
arose panorama covered with the forest;
by that scene were evoked memories of a helterskelter to heaven;
thus was offered enchanting sight.
Over the mead called Vokoliste
spaceships hover in the air,
their coloured lights pulsate;
the Cosmic people thus entertain us.
Our mighty meeting in love
thus continues by way of ongoing telling;
we talk in spirit about everything
what we have experienced by now.
The Cosmic people – our Friends –
surround us with their love;
we have been on familiar terms already for long ages,
and now our contacts reached their climax.
In joy and happiness
we wish them nice journey of harmony,
which spreads out in the forest and in our heart;
tears spring to our eyes, since we cannot hide our feelings.
We have lavished love on all visitors
coming to the meadow in the forest,
that mead leading up to heaven,
where is our Home and longing.
Dear people, I wish you
the same experiences,
meetings with beloved Cosmic Friends,
chosen for us by dearly loved Creator.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2028.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
27. 9. 2004.
„Wind blasts on the bleak earth,
thousands of millions years ago,
in times of old,
when there was no life yet.
The creator had been creating for long aeons
the vegetable and animal kingdom;
that all happens by way of creative love,
on the Right Earth, in the outer Heaven.
There harmony and peace reigns,
only planets minister to little animals,
as the environment and food benefit all
in joyful bloom.
Thus nature develops
on the Right – heavenly Earth,
on that planet serving as the cradle of civilization,
where the Right mankind is accommodated.
One day the conscious people will appear there,
directly presented,
as they are conceived by means of Creator’s love,
in order to create life together with Him.
The harmonious society grows stronger,
living in bodies for millenniums,
working with beloved Creator
on next tasks of life.
Constantly pondering scientist
once asked a question:
What kind of creation would develop,
if the spiritual principles were reversed ?
The whole generations of scientists, who fell into darkness,
have been working for hundreds of millions years
on the opposites of love,
refusing cooperation with the Creator.
The pseudocreators have established their home
on the waste land, in the zone of expulsion,
where life did not come into existence ever before;
there they can find just garbage, frost and darkness.
Since then, on their way back in time,
they regress new version of development,
inserting reversed spiritual principles
into primordial life.
Then, after thousands of millions years,
an angelic gene is interbred with the animal one;
a new species comes into being:
the animal man – that’s you !
They encapsulated spirit, the soul,
to manipulate easily with bodies,
and on the Earth they have established new puppet scene,
outlasting already 7 000 000 years.
Such is the history of human beings
living here on the planet Earth, in the zone of expulsion;
part of their Right origin
they have preserved in one half of their heart.
By special effort of this type
is supplied answer to question:
What kind of creation would develop,
if the spiritual principles were reversed ?
Full answer corresponds
with the entirety of given state,
amplified by the negativity of chips:
everything will be fully exposed.
By way of providing exhaustive answer
to that essential question,
will be from the systems of Darkness
liberated all the caught children, coming Home.
The Right homeland is heaven,
for all beings, who ever came into existence;
then the Right Angels shall populate
the scrap outer space.
Thus even the black cosmoses
will not be suggestive of litter baskets,
but shall be changed into Homes
of Celestial Right beings, belonging to the Creator.
Dear people, go out of your way,
to transform your world through the medium of love;
this is presented by the Creator to you, beloved ones:
we shall overcome !
I thank you, dear Creator; with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see the book The New Revelation of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2029.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
28. 9. 2004.
„Love blossoms in heart,
just there, where you abide all the time;
yes, you feel possible Home,
hidden in your chest.
It is the inner world,
moreover, the timeless one,
extended in the spiritual dimension,
outside this world of nature.
There live your brothers and sisters
together with your spiritual family;
you left them just for a short time,
and you shall return soon.
They can see you and hear as well,
supporting you by way of love,
having their heart
incessantly interconnected with yours.
You have chosen this mission,
you accomplish that far, on the planet Earth,
outside your Home,
to help your fellowmen, already coming back.
Thus you came from the Light,
to instill love, truth, peace,
making others return, too;
ah, that’s fascinating !
That’s the call of spiritual home:
you shall come back soon, hoy !
You can already hear the music;
just finish your mission and dream.
You will by means of love in action crown
what you have chosen yet before this incarnation,
what you have prepared for,
and now just inserted.
We, the brothers and sisters, are calling
from the spiritual Homes:
crown your work of Light
and already return Home !
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2030.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
29. 9. 2004.
„When you adorn your sincere life
with love accompanied by actions,
then you obey your heart,
and we, the celestial beings, call that giving.
As soon as you do not count a profit,
and help your fellowman in need instead,
then you obey your heart,
and in our Home we call that giving.
If you do not expect anything except your fellowman’s joy,
generated by your action under the Creator’s guidance,
then you obey your heart,
and we, the Angels, call that giving.
If you adorn your steps of life with love,
feeling whom you should give sincere advice,
then you obey your heart,
and we, the Cosmic ones, call that giving.
You have decided to live in love,
not at all heaping anything already for long,
and moreover, you adorn life with work of Light:
the Cosmic friends see giving.
When you call upon all your skills,
not taking care about profit,
then you obey your heart,
and we also see giving in that.
If you have understood that the meaning of life stems from harmony,
not at all from haste,
then you obey your heart,
and on the planet Earth can be seen giving again.
If you recollect wisdom of ages,
if you give more than many slaves,
then you obey your heart,
and Cosmic brothers and sisters call that giving.
If you do not support by means of your acts
any evil and mean deeds,
then you obey your heart,
and the Light of Heaven again perceives giving.
When your sincere eyes forelook far and away,
you will light your way by your bosom;
then you obey your heart,
since the primary Creator can be identified with giving.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2031.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
30. 9. 2004.
„Girl, boy, where are you heading“
Towards the goal defined by the Right Lights ?
Or into total darkness,
where are fulfilled human fates by lamentation ?
The sun is up,
you see, as a matter of course,
but there are many lost hearts,
getting caught in a trap of darkness.
This life is short,
it reminds the one of ephemera.
Where are you going to head for,
when you leave this world ?
That always depends
on the quality of life you have chosen:
whether you wished just to eke out your living,
or to take an active part in giving.
If under the baton of dominators
the pipes in depths sustain the rhythm of checkers,
you may break it:
do not play, when the rules are enforced.
Your life would be lined like on a chessboard,
by those, who call from the darkness of ages;
they ended up in dark holes
and now they want you to get there, too.
You should not play their chess,
leave that game of hell;
then just observe everything from afar
and tell them faithfully: never !
Do not give credit to supporters of esotericism, who claim,
that it has to be that way, within the bounds of their esoteric program,
going by air around with waves you will throw away uncompromisingly;
do not believe what they say at all.
The monstrous pyramid of lies,
Babylon pseudobuilt by cunning,
everywhere around extended,
you perceive only as a delusion, nothing more.
You have made choice of change,
you do not devote your life to infernal game any more;
feeling that your heart of hearts prefers
harmonious life, leading Home.
Already for a long time you are not scared of puppets,
who are dancing like marionettes, not characters;
you have learned how to like and love others,
and now you follow the call of Home.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2032.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
30. 9. 2004.
„The white light shines for you
from your bulging chest,
where you carry the secret of life,
love – energy of high vibrations.
The labyrinth of heart – the eternal light,
there goes the road of Light for ever:
inwards means Home,
this way you came on visit.
You hear the Celestial Tones:
the transparent regions, outside this planet,
the God’s heavenly Realm,
that all you carry in your chest.
Just AWAKE to the consciousness of Home;
that’s the salt of life,
with that knowledge is man adorned
from cradle to grave.
The human breath
seems to be the connection with Heaven:
after all, your breathed earthly life
was prepared only for a short time.
In the brightness of heart you can learn
that you have been here already long ago:
not just on this planet Earth,
but in thousands other worlds.
In timelessness you still feel
your future homes,
the worlds you shall yet visit in future,
those you have chosen.
You go on seeing outwards,
and also inwards:
the mighty Light shines for you, lighting up your way,
so that you shall not go astray.
Going round your lives,
you get object lesson:
just understand feeding
through the medium of God’s love.
The Light of lights all the time corresponds
with the right cosmic power:
it marks the right direction of way
you follow to return back Home.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2033.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
30. 9. 2004.
„The gray clouds are coloured
at the bottom of pale blue sky;
in the fall nature are colours on its leaves
secured by sublime scenery.
Towards the coming end of year
is cold adumbrated by leaves,
that fall under your legs,
leaves coloured like human souls.
The season of the year testifies
that the love of home is replaced by winter,
here on the planet Earth,
that is subject to its logical evolution.
Similarly is nowadays coloured
the community of terrestrials:
this cycle draws to an end
and the cold of winter follows.
Thus on the planet Earth is alternated
the image of darkness with brightness of light,
so that everybody can experience
both poles of life.
Nothing is so easy
like to perceive unintentionally
the alternation of light with darkness
and colouring of people after their choices.
Thus sing your song,
you, who should have printed on the Earth
every deed of yours,
done by means of your choice.
The sun shines into clouds,
into the black darkness, ages,
consequently delivering all its colour,
which will be then swallowed by cloud formations.
How it will treat the rainbow ?
That’s seem to be an eternal question.
The rainbow will be taken to pieces,
or handed over untouched ?
Thus are alternated
also cycles of development embracing terrestrials;
now is enthroned autumn
with coloured falling leaves.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2034.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
30. 9. 2004.
„Those, who have open their heart,
nestle and shrink
in the nest of Light,
defined by the cover around their essence.
The human world
is both great and small,
in compliance with the choice of river,
carrying you like a dream.
By that river are meant
various kinds of flowing energy,
the streams gushing out around you for ages,
changing face, but remaining the same.
Dear man, observe for a while,
what kinds of energy you arrogated to yourself;
reaching the goal you shall discern
the truth fading in bareness.
The rays of this human scene
are reflections of people,
directly proportional to their quality of life;
that all always comes out.
We see the steps made by children,
the ones remembered by the Earth;
then is marked the direction of terrestrials:
either into a hole or aloft.
The monotonous rhythm
proceeds to the end of story,
framing the question,
showing its life in true colours.
After all, we could not be kept in ignorance of anything,
nothing happens purely by accident,
love is love,
and the darkness is always black.
The man, who broadened his horizons,
can see clear sky overhead;
but the one, who went astray,
is burdened by heavy clouds.
This planet Earth continues in sailing
along the black Cosmos, like gold;
defined by spiral movement on present showing,
caused by sun traveling across the sky and revolutions.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2035.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
30. 9. 2004.
„Dear love, get a new lease of life,
darkness already disperses – hoy !
Day at dawn
breaks again.
Darkness of ignorance –
dream of your winter sleep,
the dark puppet scene,
will be again dissolved by glow of love.
Get up and rise slowly,
open your ancient eyes
and heart wide:
the world now belongs to you.
Locking devices give way;
checkers boil with rage,
since they are not able
to withstand your mighty radiation any more.
You will emanate it
from your eternal heart of hearts,
where might of unimaginable power shines with cleanliness,
which shall gush out like a geyser again.
Grasp what surrounds you,
use everything for doing good deeds;
enter safely the stream of love,
welling up with mighty power.
That might still causes that your encapsulations crack,
because you got involved in the work of Light;
the revolutions of Spirit and soul
are revved up more and more.
There is no power,
to halt the process of mighty liberation
from ignorance – from that dark trap,
set by the other side.
You feel your powerful climb
outside the controlled scene:
you fly around in the air like a featherlet,
above the ruins of darkness.
You can see the heavenly lights:
the cosmic brothers and sisters
are your firm support;
they shall help you by means of their invincible love.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2036.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
30. 9. 2004.
„In our texts,
is so many times repeated
the vocable heart,
like a key of love.
That vocable heart is spiritual term,
by the same token as spiritual being,
entirely woven of love,
of Creator’s work.
Behold, little terrestrial,
that in your heart are comprised whole universes;
it is the entry into many dimensions,
and this is the question of sharing the right kinds of energy.
These are the Right universes,
divided into three Heavens;
we, the Angels, term these Heavens as:
the first, the second and the third one.
The first Heaven is the spiritual one,
occurring in the nearest proximity of the Creator;
the Angels ask questions,
and look for answers.
The second Heaven is the connecting one,
between the first and the third one;
the Angels solve questions,
in order to get answers.
The third Heaven is the natural one,
suggesting physical worlds of your kind;
The Angels show answers
to asked questions.
These basic divisions are also termed
as the inner, central and outer one;
everything raises from the heart of hearts outwards,
from the Creator’s workshop.
That all is comprised in your heart;
It’s for you to decide:
how to grasp that spiritual wealth
or how to throw it away.
In the former case you open your heart,
comprising much of loving communication;
you receive highquality guidance
from the Right spiritual Home.
In the latter case you close your heart
defined by emptiness;
you receive controlling programs
from another workshop – from the darkness.
We thing through the medium of physical heart,
the muscle we carry in the middle of chest:
that heart spans symmetrically to both sides
and ticks in wonderful harmony.
Terrestrials work with love just a little;
even their muscle is only halfsized,
shifted to left side
and ticking discordantly.
Leftwards to the positive channel,
from where flows the loving kind of energy
provided by us, the guardian angels:
the heart thus can live through the darkness.
This was transmitted with love in heart by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2037.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
2. 10. 2004.
„The ozone of the planet,
so brittle cover,
is very thin
and needs a lot of attention.
Terrestrials release into atmosphere
questionable waste and poisonous substances,
but they do not purify it,
and they try to make themselves believe that nature will do that.
The mother Earth purifies
ozone of the planet,
by means of repeated winds and rains
that accompany you.
But it’s already too much for her alone,
and therefore the Cosmic people,
have been for 50 years helping
the Earth and terrestrials to defend their lives.
Thus we are here in a great number;
we have left provisionally our homes and families,
for the sake of the Earth,
to save this planet from going to rack and ruin.
It will take a lot of doing here;
100 000 of spacecrafts,
and yet more small spaceships,
approach the planet Earth to help.
We purify here everything
by means of love – the high vibratory energy;
it is not just the question of those poisonous substances,
we are concerned even with the kinds of vibratory energy.
Your feeling of life
corresponds also to kinds of energy:
from our spaceships we send you love,
that makes you feel lively.
In this way we help all terrestrials
without your knowledge;
if we would not provide that help,
you would long before this end up in holes.
Dear people, spare no effort
to give love reciprocally;
change already your life,
turn it inside out.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all terrestrials by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah; with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2038.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
2. 10. 2004.
„You have travelled here
many times by train;
you know already for long
how we protect you.
Five kilometres above the train,
crews work shifts:
they are involved in the whole complex of working activities,
performed on the spaceship.
First task is defined by love,
radiated under the spaceship,
securing the space in train
against negative kinds of energy.
Another task consists in securing
the whole railway line,
points, rails, trolley lines, semaphores,
and also their correct function.
Dear Ivo, we all the time secure your way
by means of our love,
since you are helping our Creator,
and crowning your work of Light.
We are thus helping all beings,
who reached the final stage of spiritual path:
through the medium of our love
transmitted from the spaceships.
Dear child of Light, stand the test of time;
your task draws to an end,
crowned by magnificent climax
of your work for fellowmen.
Many terrestrials,
more than 100 000 000 of them,
these beings, who live FOR the Creator,
are thus provided by our care – by Creator’s solicitude.
This was transmitted with love in heart to terrestrials by Ptaah.“
I thank you, beloved Ptaah; with joy I shall deliver this message to my fellowmen ! Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2039.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
2. 10. 2004.
„We would compare our going to this world,
to a huge leap from shinning Home,
from homeland with flourishing gardens,
where prevails peace, love, harmony and goodness.
Your world actually is not Home for you;
it is a world woven of cobweb,
suggesting gigantic controlling program of spider’s web:
consequently you see knowhow every day.
Terrestrials go round this world,
like zombies submerged
in ubiquitous programs woven of darkness:
these can be seen everywhere.
Your fate seems to depend on weblike net;
you have left the nest like a bird,
yet hearing the call of Home:
dear one, just come back in time !
The whole controlling structure
can be overcome by means of your powerful love;
you are more than satisfied with the workplace,
where you may help many poor man caught in a trap.
Reminding an arrow of Light,
you will interfere with this work woven of darkness;
also in the future you shall breathe refreshing air,
the Creator’s mighty love.
The Angels – your brothers and sisters –
may influence provisionally your consciousness,
they will carry it in the Heaven, until you return,
when the bell sounds, defined by mission of Light.
It is not you, it is only a shadow;
your consciousness will enter
into that spider’s web a bit later,
to dissolve it by means of Light again.
And what do you think of it,
you, the disturber, who revolted from the family of Light ?
Get away and close the door;
the returning time draws near.
You perceive, how love creates,
carrying knowledge from the darkness,
and also destroys former insight
mediated by pseudocreators – by the originators of darkness.
You can see around the dawn of light,
the call of Angels, the spaceships of Light;
therefore refine your charge, pack up your things,
and come back as light as a feather.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com.
Report 2042.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
7. 10. 2004.
„Summer ends, winter approaches;
you are making preparations for migration,
like a bird of passage,
feeling that his ascent is at hand.
You have chosen the optimum period
of your reckoning, regarding
what you have thrown away long ago,
and what was right to receive.
Days shorten and have a pleasant smell
of autumnal humidity and leaves;
securing the time of return;
you have made your choice.
The birds of passage assemble in flocks,
sing and dance;
they also secure their migration
by doing their share of light work.
Give people chance to fly up;
everybody should see this planet,
perceive its complain about the fate,
about the terrestrial scene, the controlling program.
Flocks of migrants
joyfully burst into the song,
telling of the Home – the ages,
the song securing the heart.
Day by day you make the choices
leading to the present state of affairs;
as the cold of winter draws near,
you secure leaving the scene.
Put forth greater effort defined by love,
by the mysteriousness of giving – the sweet one,
where you secure yet more
the bliss of your heart.
An orbit around the sun is typed
by wind gust in leaves,
falling with rhythm of power,
called the year.
You will discover in your heart
more joy and certitude;
you safeguard peace, tranquillity and truth against frost
by means of love.
This was transmitted with love in heart by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, beloved Ashtar, with love and joy I will convey this message to all. Ivo.
These poetic messages form part of the previous reports, especially concerning the situation of terrestrial and the Spiritual path – see for example the pictures No. 688, 692, 793 and 811 on www.universe-people.com www.cosmic-people.com .
Report 2043.
Received Ivo A. Benda.
8. 10. 2004.
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