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2159. Witness of preparing the New Earth. (Received David B.) January 26, 2005.
Place: The area of Zatec.
I’m glad, that you have thus established contact with me. I, Semjase, together with other brothers and sisters, give you friendly greeting from the cosmic spaceships. We derive great pleasure from observing how you with all others, who have chosen the life in love, progress on the spiritual path. The day, when you will leave your working environment, inexorably approaches.
Yes, we have brought information for you, regarding your sojourn on spaceships and on the New Earth in the fifth dimension. Now, by night from January 22nd to 23rd, 2005, you appeared with other terrestrials again on our cosmic spaceships, where is schooling under way, focused on future life in the new society. There you also get acquainted with other information, that are important for you, and with unknown people; thus are formed new friendships.
By the following night, from January 23rd to 24th, 2005, you were with me on the New Earth, where you have familiarized yourself with this new and harmonious environment, and that was a great experience; moreover, you were enabled to remember something from these visits in the form of a dream.
This way proceed, in favour of yourself, your visits here and on other planets, with permission of the primary Creator of everything and everybody. Concurrently you thus may take advantage of the feedback: whether or not you are walking in the right way along the spiritual path and meet the vibratory conditions for leaving this third dimension.
This was transmitted with love to you by Semjase, together with other Cosmic brothers and sisters; we send you lot of love and say good-bye to you.“
Thank you, Semjase, with all my heart, and also all of you, the Friends in spaceships; I shall deliver this report with love to my fellowmen.
2160. Opening of one’s heart (551). (Received and drawn by Ivo A. Benda.)
From January 19, 2005, to February 7, 2005.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The essential condition affecting the progress of every men on THE SPIRITUAL PATH – reports 819–847 and pictures No. 688, 692 – is based on OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – cordiality, love, sincerity, sensitivity (the fourth heart chakra). There are some other useful aids to facilitate this process – pictures No. 1647–1658 (drawn by Ivo) and 1680–1682 (drawn by T.). If you concentrate on them (for 10 and more minutes), you initiate opening of your heart by way of aiming your consciousness at that key information through the interconnecting process.
Picture No. 1647
OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – the Primary Creator of everything and everybody transmits propulsions to open spiritual heart of many negative beings, dwelling in the zone of expulsion, who in accordance with their choices went on their SPIRITUAL PATH, reports 819–847 and pictures No. 688, 692.
Picture No. 1648
OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – the opening of spiritual heart in the fourth revolution of the spiritual path, with the help of the Primary Creator of everything and everybody – the gate of grace. The green objects yet testify to considerably dependent position – drawing off the attention from the heart towards the material controls in the controlling program of the other side; see also pictures 688, 692.
Picture No. 1649
OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – the opening of spiritual heart in the fifth revolution of the spiritual path, with the help of the Primary Creator of everything and everybody – the gate of grace. The human being already takes greater advantage of physical environment for the purpose of positive deeds in love – green colour on the edge of the gate of grace; see also pictures 688, 692.
Picture No. 1650, picture No. 1653 without text
OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – the opening of spiritual heart in the sixth revolution of the spiritual path, with the help of the Primary Creator of everything and everybody. The human being already takes very distinct advantage of physical environment for the purpose of positive deeds in love and good – the magician with controlling program – green colour on the edge of the gate of spiritual heart; see also pictures 688, 692.
Picture No. 1651, picture No. 1654 without text
OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – the opening of spiritual heart in the seventh revolution of the spiritual path, with the help of the Primary Creator of everything and everybody, for whom the human being, that is already sealed off, works AT FULL STRETCH, using the gifts of Spirit, and ADEQUATELY communicates with soul and Spirit (the second spiral above). The intense omnidirectional fine‑vibratory energy of love and good, stemming from the spiritual heart, engulfs the environment. Human being – the seer – is not dependent any more on negative control – there the does not appear green illustration. The stream of love, that is represented above the spiritual heart, indicates the directed impact of love by means of human mind, and fellowmen thus may obtain help; see also pictures 688, 692.
Picture No. 1652, picture No. 1655 without text
OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – the final phase of the spiritual path – the point of revibration supported by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody. The rainbow signifies energies rising concurrently with the definitive revibration of human being into the fifth dimension of the Right Creation. The rainbow‑coloured circle around the spiritual heart means stability (rotation) and balanced characteristics of man together with actual separation and established shift from the old world in the third dimension of the planet Earth, after fulfilling the mission of light by way of positive life; see also pictures 688, 692.“
2161. Jesus Christ’s message. January 22, 2005,
22:17–22:57 p. m.
„Beloved one, I bring greetings here from Heaven to you and all loving terrestrials. As many of you know, dear friends, your planet Earth, with the highest Creator’s kind permission, DEALS WITH CONSEQUENCES of anything what harmed the globe by now, including confused coarse thoughts of people, their spreading, deeds and outcomes. It is so; and even blind men see, and yet will see, what they never beheld before, namely within THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Everything is thus managed in conformity with exact laws and rules of the highest Creator, the parent of everything and everybody – the Love itself. And be aware that in the whole universe reigns order – not chaos, as you mostly suppose. That’s also the reason why things are moving this way, as you may uniquely during this terrestrial epoch see and observe, find that all to your cost and gather experiences from this significant planetary scene. And therefore be sure, that everybody’s questions will be accurately replied with all the it’s dotted, including the query, that has blazed up here: „What’s the life without love?“ Where was that question asked, there will be answered. And all such inquirers shall unambiguously understand the reply, for ever and ever. You, dear ones, who carry in your open heart the Creator – giving love itself – you, who light the only right way for others, the way leading to Him, the highest Creator, you shall establish the New society, which will be based on the foundations of the right love and on all its right principles of good, wisdom, and the like. And I assure you, that such society is already shaped, and you, who belong to it, are by Me and My representatives trained and instructed regarding all principles of cosmic order, the primary Creator’s LAWS and the Love itself. Thus you are already now continually informed, what features in the Creator’s help you obtain for your new life. Many fellowmen join you, number of your supporters changes. And all your Cosmic friends of Light always give you every assistance in that, since from this stems the meaning of their mission of love – they are supposed to lend you helping hand and consequently work for the Primary Creator. Indeed, it is so: they are by you, and they will stand by building the system of the New society now, and also on the New Earth, because your moving there approaches day by day. The squadrons formed by your Cosmic friends, the helpers of yours, are permanently placed on alert, to assist you any time also in that transfer. The mentioned alert vibrates within the limits of the fifth, sixth and seventh degree of emergency (there are 7 emergency regimes altogether). The highest Creator as a gift of love consequently offered you the possibility to transfer to and live in the positive society on the New Earth, which is located in Heaven and was thus prepared by Him. Believe that the events occurring on the planet Earth make a considerable impact on the whole Creation. And on that New Earth appeared already some people. Yes, they live there happily, waiting on you all in love. The shining Cosmic brothers and sisters also stay there, lending them helping hand.
Dear people, the Primary Creator sends regards to you, embraces you by way of his love. Anybody of you may hear in heart his voice. Do you hear it? That parental voice is pleasant, calm, kind and wise. His voice sounds in your heart, therefore be nice and listen to it; after all, you are thus given love and advice, directly from Heaven. You are loved very much this way, like a small child by caring mother and father.
We all from the Right Creation invite you; come to us, dear beloved ones. Throw off the shackles of matter. Return to us, to Heaven, to the Creator, with joy, love and confidence of child. We are already looking forward to seeing you. Join us through the fellowship of love.
This was transmitted to you with the purest love by Lord Jesus Christ and beings of Light.“
Information – 6000 pages of texts and 2000 pictures on the internet: www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com , in Czech www.universe-people.cz , www.vesmirni-lide.cz , www.vesmirnilide.cz .
J We love you and we help you. J
2162. Full evacuation alert. January 30, 2005.
18:22–19:02 p. m.
„Our dear brothers and sisters, who are living on the beautiful globe, we are greeting you again from our spaceships, placed everywhere here around your planet.
As you know, we have been for longer time placed on evacuation alert, that lately reached the HIGHEST limit – the seventh degree of emergency (there are 7 emergency regimes altogether). These degrees are mostly defined by means of measured values of vibrations on the planet Earth, that is, by human thoughts, radiation and behaviour. But that is also interrelated with human activities in the sphere of installing the chip totality and with processes of purification clearing the planet Earth. It stands to reason that also during this alert, as usual, we proceed, communicate and work under ever‑lasting guidance of the Primary Creator of everything and everybody, who continually makes available for us, and also for you, since you have open heart, detailed, true and pure information about overall situation regarding the planet Earth and its inhabitants. We monitor that, too. Also for the sake of the principle of love, good and the Creator, the sojourn of all torchbearers here on the Earth should last as long as necessary, so that you would be enabled to fulfill your missions of Light and work with love for the Creator, and thus arouse love which is on your globe so desirable and precious. As we have already said, these things that are already for long happening here, assumed enormous proportions. Accordingly, our dear friends, as long as you have this excellent and unique opportunity, with rare possibilities and conditions, try to take advantage of them and continue in working at full stretch for people, in love, wisdom and meekness, led by the Creator. After all, the highest Creator Himself knows best when approaches the right time for your relocation on the New Earth, since that’s His gift of love. He helps you all the time and we were also called by Him to lend you helping hand. We are here, because we love Him, and you, too. Therefore we have come here to you, and for your sake fulfill diligently and with joy our wonderful missions. You know, we feel honoured, that we can work for Him; it gives us pleasure. Consequently have your heart and eyes open while working in this terrestrial terrain of the Earth, located in the third dimension. There is no use of underestimating or overestimating power of the other side, which runs additional programs, as far as possible the most insidious and camouflaged ones. But human being can identify them, if he has open heart. In man’s heart of hearts dwells love, that can in jigtime dissolve them . . . at cosmic speed ! It is so, that present‑day seeming „truth“ is not truth at all, seeming „love“ is not real love, and so called „wisdom“ is blind and ruffles at every corner. Nets of programs get thicker in media, people and all sorts of situations. But the ones, who all the time live in love and walk while incessantly interconnected with the Creator, they have immediately, even at these moments and in such situations, at their disposal the entire service of information and protection, provided by Him and also by us – the Cosmic beings of Light. Accordingly, such individual may in no time know and through the medium of his heart feel, what is the matter, recognizing concrete type of situation. Therefore, dear ones, remember that LOVE is all what matters. LOVE IS ALL‑POWERFUL, LOVE IS THE ANSWER TO ALL QUESTIONS. Work on love continually, hand it round all the time from your open arms – selflessly and joyfully, without any expectations. Well, you do know, that love has nothing to do with calculations. Trust the Creator, that he can manage everything best, and believe, that everything happens within the frame of harmonic order, and that the Cosmic Laws came into effect, THE LAWS OF LOVE you are just learning, you who are about to leave for the New Earth. And we all are helping you in that. Thus you shall be prepared very well for wonderful life on the New planet Earth, which you have visited this night; it was present for joy from the Creator and from us, too. You are accomplishing wonderful task, while working at full stretch for Him, striving to operate by way of Love itself. To wit, human being comes nearer to the Creator only by means of work done for the benefit of fellowmen. We know, that at times is your offered help rejected. Well, that also happens, but accept that with love, because anybody’s right to free choice should be respected. And every individual should consider where he wants to head for: whether to the Right worlds or the wrong ones. They also decide by what speed to go ahead. Help each other. We are by you all the time and have our hands full, especially in these periods. However, we work for the Creator and for you with lasting joy, boundless patience and infinite love.
Our beloved ones, if only this report encourages you and warms your small hearts; we appreciate your work and we are pleased that you are thus working because of love. Good luck to you also in future. This was transmitted to you all, with heart full of feeling, by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody, Lord Jesus Christ, Gorloj, Ashtar, Ptaah and all others are joining us, too.“
Information – 6000 pages of texts and 2000 pictures on the internet: www.universe-people.com , www.cosmic-people.com , in Czech www.universe-people.cz , www.vesmirni-lide.cz , www.vesmirnilide.cz .
J We love you and we help you. J
2163. Time of God’s Grace. February 9, 2005.
„I see how the whole world arouses.
I see how you waken it.
Not Me, but you all.
Because you know, that the time has approached.
When you think about that, it might occur to you,
that this will go down to history of mankind
perhaps as the most significant
The extract from the N. D. Walsch’s book – TIME OF GOD’S GRACE.
2164. Building up the New Earth (552). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 11, 2005.
5:55–6:29 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear Ivo,
I, Ashtar, the commander of grand cosmic squadron, give you a friendly greeting. Yes, I’m glad that you have thus established contact with me, and with pleasure I shall present to you some new reports.
Yes, the New Earth in the fifth dimension of the Right Creation gets already infrastructure for people, who have open heart and radiate love into their environment. They love their fellowmen and try to live otherwise, if compared with the majority of this old society on the planet Earth in the third dimension. The New society has been formed already for long, because the current state is the resultant of their choices made in this life and in the round of previous lives as well. Therefore every man nowadays appears in the spiritual state worked up by him during dozens of previous lives.
Yes, I would like to inform you yet, that we all here are looking forward to meeting all people coming to this New society on the planet Earth, who thus have decided to live on the New Earth in the Right Creation in love, harmony, good, wisdom, life arranged in accordance with Laws of Love. Yes, we rejoice that these people are here and that it will be possible to work together with them – brothers and sisters – on particulars which pertain not only to this planet Earth, but also to the whole Galaxy and the Right Creation.
The evacuation squadrons of our spaceships remain placed on full alert, in the seventh degree of emergency. They are prepared to relocate during one night every men, who became adapted to the parameters of revibration into the fifth dimension, and consequently would be fit for that.
We also see, that the Forces of darkness continue in feverish building up chip totality by way of completing all subsystems belonging to it. You were also notified that in two years you shall have at your disposal an electronic household. And I remind you that one year ago the same entity announced establishing detailed identification of internet users for the purpose of total control of anything (shallow pretext – unsolicited email). All the people who yet can feel through their heart should be by means of such information awaken from dream and lethargy, alarmed to work on themselves and should warn fellowmen against loosing the remaining liberties.
Please, associate yourself still with the Light and endure till your departure for the Right Creation. Do not allow to be led astray by the other side, which all the time sets up new and more cunning controlling programs – weblike nets. You could get disentangled from them by means of LOVE, SENSING AND CONTINUALLY UPDATED POSITIVE APPROACH, which means FOLLOWING ONE’S HEART.
This report was transmitted to you by Ashtar Sheran, the commander of grand cosmic squadron.“
„And now I, Ptaah, the cosmic squadron commander from Pleiades, join in the conversation, dear Ivo, also surrounding you with love and continuing in support of your endeavour of life focused on crowning with success your light work of helping your fellowmen.
Everything goes ahead, your conditions VARY at all times and nothing remains as it used to be. Yes, working load of people – THE SLAVES – gets constantly HEAVIER, number of sick persons increases, and because of wrong choices they make, worsens their spiritual state.
Only relatively small number of people – about 150 000 000 – is able to face and refuse spate of coarse‑vibratory kinds of energy and many times even of cunning controlling programs, that the Forces of darkness literally stuff from the Dark worlds. This part of positive terrestrials is capable of DIFFERENTIATION THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF THEIR HEART, and consequently DOES NOT ACCEPT these controlling programs, which cause additional blocks in physical bodies, if the situation gets out of one’s hands WHILE THE WORKING KINDS OF ENERGY USED FOR BUILDING THE WHOLE NEGATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IS MISUSED. But it is sufficient to decide NOT TO TAKE A SHARE in that and at rest to sense the guidance of our beloved Primary Creator of everything and everybody, who might LEAD ANYBODY OUT from the labyrinth and threats caused by many controlling programs and structures, making him finally to RETURN home, to the Creator’s Right Creation.
This was transmitted to you with love in heart by Ptaah, the cosmic squadron commander from Pleiades.“
2165. Dividing up of mankind (553). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 12, 2005.
11:36–11:55 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear Ivo,
I, Lord Jesus Christ, speak to you, and bring this message for people living on this beloved Earth of ours.
Terrestrials are already divided up, according to their choices made in this life and the previous ones, into another societies, where their development will advance. THE KEY for this differentiation of groups CAN BE DEFINED AS LOVING KINDNESS AND LAWS OF LOVE. But people may still contribute to any kind of change. The mission entrusted to the Forces of Light on the planet Earth nowadays consists in BALANCING and DEPICTION OF ANSWERS to questions that were asked already long ago. The Forces of Light also serve as CONTRAST to Forces of darkness, so that it can be SEEN what the latter ones do and how, while they are in opposition of Me, Lord Jesus Christ. I have here many helpers of Light, who keep the planet Earth alive and render assistance to people who are on their way back Home to their Primary Creator of everything and everybody.
At present approaches the period of changes, when the workers of Light will be CALLED BACK, and consequently enabled to lead the Right life in the Right Creation to the best of their knowledge and in accordance to their choices made earlier.
The others, who choose the controlling – negative state, continue in PLUNGING into the spider webs of pseudocreators, and thus are pulled deeper into darkness. This way is revealed the darkness on this terrestrial scene and consequently gives more and more ANSWERS to the following question: WHAT IS THE LIFE LIKE WITHOUT COOPERATION WITH THE PRIMARY CREATOR OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY ? Such collaboration is substantiated by LOVE, GOOD, WISDOM, PEACE, GRACE AND TRUTH IN THE ABSOLUTE CONDITION, IN THE FULL SENSE OF THE WORD. By means of complete answer can be PUT AN END TO THE NEGATIVE STATE in the Creation, and thus established new phase of development involving there everybody.
Moreover, anybody might try to seek or implement love, truth in his centre – the spiritual heart – where can be found the key to liberation. Humankind proceeds to the EDGE of its existence, where the remaining part of mankind, after dividing up and birth of THE NEW SOCIETY on the New Earth, RELOCATES during the second coming of pseudocreators to corresponding conditions in the Dark worlds. Everybody may expect this COMPLETE ANSWER by way of conduct in the fullness of negative state in the course of chip totality and processes of purification clearing the planet Earth.
However, then I shall PUT AN END to everything and liberate people in question again: they will come back to the Right Home, to real freedom they also have sought.
You, the people of Light, time of your departure approaches. I, Lord Jesus Christ, shall call you away. You will enjoy undepreciated life in the Right Creation, nearer to the Primary Creator of everything and everybody.
This was transmitted with love in heart to all people by Lord Jesus Christ.“
2166. Mankind at the turning point (554). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 12, 2005.
15:23–15:39 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear Ivo,
I, Gorloj, the member of the HIGH COUNCIL of this Galaxy, speak to you.
Yes, terrestrials are nowadays at the CROSSROADS and every man makes many decisions in his urgent situations, which reflect his spiritual state and conditions he has chosen in the course of dozens lives experienced in various worlds. People who at present choose the positive state now have unique opportunity to ascend and go ahead to the Creator in the Right Creation. Nowadays humankind picks many particulars, since there are corresponding conditions for such choices – here on the planet Earth can be found rich sources of information.
Yes, loving people already prepare THE NEW EARTH in the fifth dimension of the Right Creation and we, the beings from the Right Worlds and belonging to the Creator Himself, instructed them again. The processes of purification cause all over the planet Earth powerful cleansing changes of energies and CAPABLE TERRESTRIALS will be yet before this worldwide cataclysm TAKEN UP DURING THE FIRST WAVE OF EVACUATION. Yes, the evacuation squadrons of spaceships – of the first wave action – were placed on full alert to be prepared to perform their task any time: they are supposed to lift capable people to the spacecraft carriers and then to relocate them on the New Earth in the fifth dimension of the Right Creation. The representatives of the Cosmic Confederation of planets here have their envoys, who carry that out and build infrastructure of the New Earth. Yes, this perioed will be soon followed by your departure, which inexorably approaches. Be loving and firm as a rock; do not stray from the Right way and love each other with open heart more and more. You will unprecedentedly develop; concurrently you shall deepen your awareness of what your are. That will be accompanied by abundance of various experiences in joy, happiness, good, harmony and wisdom of the Right Creation, on your way Home, when you will approach more and more to the Primary Creator of everything and everybody. Yes, we as members of the High Council within this Galaxy all the time help you and guarantee your protection on basis of your choices.
This report was transmitted with love to you for terrestrials by Gorloj, member of the High Council of this galaxial planetary Confederation.“
2167. Alternatives for mankind (555). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 12, 2005.
16:19–16:34 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear Ivo,
I, Ashtar, the commander of grand cosmic squadron, give you a friendly greeting.
Yes, I see that the end of your sojourn on the old Earth already draws nearer and that you sense your relocation back Home, where you all belong. Yes, dear Ivo, this relocation of so many people on the New Earth, together with following worldwide powerful processes of purification and building chip totality, will everything change to such extent, that NOTHING WILL REMAIN THE SAME. You wish yet that people would turn for the better while there is still time, but you see that pseudolife according to the controlling program of pseudocreators from the darkness is convenient to certain part of terrestrials. Everybody can make his own decisions, and consequently is adequately depicted every past or present choice IN ITS ENTIRETY and MANIFESTLY. You want to help your fellowmen to get liberated soon and return Home. We give you every assistance in that, since we are working for beloved Primary Creator of everything and everybody. Yes, you shall become free by means of LOVE; have your HEART open all the time and follow advices given by Creator’s and us, the Cosmic people related to Forces of Light. Yes, this is now experienced approximately by 150 000 000 people, who are coming back Home, to the fifth dimension of the Right Creation – on the New Earth. They establish here the New society. You wish that this number would yet increase. Yes, it does, and we will see after relocation how many people managed that.
This report was transmitted with love in heart to you by Ashtar, the commander of grand cosmic squadron.“
„And now I, Ptaah, the cosmic squadron commander from Pleiades, join in the conversation. Dear Ivo, I’m sending streams of love and continually surround with it other people, who need that.
Yes, your time will expire and your departure back Home approaches, since even by other events is signified that, IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT WE, THE FORCES OF LIGHT, HAVE BEEN GIVING ADVANCED WARNING, coarse vibrations increase together with purificatory processes of the planet Earth, and the chip totality has been continually built. Therefore, dear Ivo, we cannot stay here much longer. This planet has to be left to be PURIFIED. The globe was helped in that by us, the Cosmic people, and now will be that all revealed.
This was transmitted to you with love in heart by Ptaah, the cosmic squadron commander from Pleiades.“
2168. The rainbow‑coloured heart (556). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 13, 2005.
11:31–11:42 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The rainbow‑coloured heart,
blazes with all coloures,
but overall is white
full of pure love.
There is beauty and joy,
undepreciated life is exulting,
human relations are clear,
honey and nectar matures.
Open white heart
is seen and felt in all places;
here we enjoy life,
thus singing the song of love.
There is enough light for all,
it is offered by the white heart:
its glow is rainbow‑coloured
and illuminates all beings.
Today many people are here present
with the radiant heart of love;
the wave of love,
that cannot be stopped, has risen !
The radiant heart of people
creates the net of Light;
they grant a pardon to others,
in order to open thus themselves.
After all, since in their way
stand just temptations of the dark side,
they do not have to accept them any more;
their heart can be open, too !
The world of the open hearts,
on the planet Earth protects
the rest of the world against collapse;
become aware of that, finally !
They win love to give it,
and moderate their demands;
they do not heap up anything
what would harm other terrestrials.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2169. The loving heart (557). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
10:35–10:58 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Two beings linked together,
cherished by means of pure love,
heart with heart in Unity –
this we call life in peace.
When two souls appear in wonderful unity,
in bond of God’s love,
then the Creator dwells in heart of hearts,
supporting them with His endearment.
Pure whiteness of heart
shines in their chest,
where happy life unwinds:
grace – the highest Creator.
You have descended already long ago
into depths of eternal Creation,
and there by way of love and knowledge
you went to help all drowned persons.
You witness laments, weeping and destruction;
but they have decided by means of their choices,
to forget about pure love,
and to implement Darkness.
You have flied down into black depth,
like a celestial golden eagle from Heaven,
to put things here right
and lead the drowned ones up.
While living in this world,
love truth, good and wisdom all the time;
the Right Life offers you
still many opportunities.
Here in heart you sense the guidance
of beloved Creator.
He always rises you, do you hear?
He sings from Home the song of love !
You should not be afraid of anything;
love is the daily bread:
the Creator prepares for you
many chances.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2170. Heaven of lights (558). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
11:00–11:17 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Heaven is full of lights;
wherever you look,
there you cannot find anything black:
the music – choir sounds here for ages.
The gigantic multicosmos deports itself with dignity,
as the primary Creator’s Creation;
a huge number of friendly Homes sparkle,
thus pleasing inhabitants greatly.
Angels live there for ages,
although there might whatever happen;
they show the purity of life – love,
and create differently than here on the Earth.
The whole heavenly arrangement
is pregnant with wisdom of Light;
you know that everybody feels bliss
by means of relation to the Primary Creator.
You have been living there long ago,
establishing your families in love
and never leaving them;
you have only hopped off to the planet Earth.
They are still with you,
carrying arms of help and guidance,
in order that your work here would go well,
and then you might celebrate your return in the spiritual family.
Today we celebrate to mark the occasion of home‑coming;
by night we dwell on spaceships
and home planets;
from there we have come to the Earth.
The main task always consists in
introducing love into the dark globe;
we are supposed to switch on not only ourselves,
but also other people – the drawn ones.
You carry out the work of Light,
being on the Earth as busy as a little bee,
going for honey nectar
to feed the human kids.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2171. The High Council (559). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
11:23–11:54 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The Right Life is in every galaxy
brought into operation by its Council – guidance,
the consultative organ of the most conscious ones,
who are respected by others.
The High Council of our galaxy is stationed in Petala;
it is called the Council of Nine,
serving as such consultative organ
for 5 000 000 civilizations.
These beings are the most esteemed ones,
they lend anybody helping hand,
but also carry out important task:
the evolution of Light, leading to the Creator.
Gorloj is the oldest member;
he helps beings most,
in anything what they introduce,
like a pillar of anybody in galaxy.
Orthon is spiritual warrantor;
he is the one who is held responsible for all life:
THE LAWS OF LOVE serve as an alphabet
for everybody who wants to lead pure life.
Arthon is another member;
he is Orthon’s brother,
helping anybody who goes to the Creator
and already for long heads for Home.
Lea is in the Council of Nine respected
for her help in one’s choices,
pertaining to the way towards the Creator
and to leading pure life.
Elisabeth occupies prominent place of advice
among other members of the Council,
regarding principal family affairs,
that are considered as the backbone of societies.
Other members hold functions
related to building and protection,
in the galaxial Right worlds,
where is required valuable practicalness.
They have any time at their disposal
experiences of the Right beings,
depending how many lives and what kind of them
they retain in their age‑old memory.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2172. The balance of life (560). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
15:11–15:25 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„How to live,
to keep life in balance,
and succeed in reaching the goal,
nearer to beloved Creator?
As well as the wind
plays with every leaf,
also you have the centre and peace
in your heart of hearts.
There dwells wisdom of ages,
indicating so many experiences;
you may take any time
what sufficed for balance.
Everything is weighed in such a way that
as the miracle of harmony,
the pure life itself emanates
and enlightens every heart.
If you disturb the balance,
then you have a job
to restore it again,
to substantiate the life.
The wisdom of ages says,
that balance stems from rivers
which glide from mountains into ocean,
thus depicting specific function for everybody.
Weighted are also moments,
when the joy of feeling rises,
and counterbalances the human difficulties
regarded as a load on a cross.
Nowadays you can see
what was veiled for ages;
unravelment approaches in darkness:
when and how will be the terrestrial scene balanced.
People choosing the simplicity of life,
will be placed in Heaven by way of balance;
but terrestrials choosing hereditary diseases
carry the decline of darkness.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2173. The remote control (561). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
15:33–15:47 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The remote control is tough problem,
since victim mostly does not know
anything about dominant control,
carried out without asking for permission.
Aftertaste and implications
of such remorseless infernal control,
can be perceived best,
if found to one’s cost.
Cunning remote control,
without victim’s knowledge,
signifies crazy state of involved ones;
such program was not agreed on at all.
But admittedly, also the victim
is responsible for that,
because controlled and sometimes controls,
in huge controlling pyramid.
Victim thus builds terrible position,
and accepts yet the worse ones,
like a puppet remotely controlled,
sinking in more and more.
As if it was nothing,
soft waves get through easily;
you cannot stop them, they still run,
from the Dark worlds – underground.
Nothing happens just by itself, believe me;
everything is determined by soft waves
transmitted from crazy monsters,
the ones who have thrown the Laws of Life away.
How to get out of the self‑powered circle,
when you do not know at all, that the person in question is controlled?
And when otherwise everybody is as quiet as a mouse,
except the program that was prepared hard?
The primary Creator of everything and everybody
does transmit TRUTH – impulse,
into the puppet scene dominated by Darkness;
just OPEN YOUR HEARTS – that’s it !
The puppet will become cognizant
through the medium of heart,
and will begin to perceive Creator’s information and love
without expressions of thanks.
Then the plan of rescue is under way,
many lives unfold,
the Heavenly Angels come to teach love
and the puppet is again liberated.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2174. Ice is already melting (562). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
15:59–16:12 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The world is controlled by Darkness,
lighted up by sparklets;
it is irreversible process set in motion:
nothing could be put back any more !
I turn on one light after another,
from the azure sky, here on the Earth,
where the processes of unconsciousness reign
in controlling pyramid located in the zone of expulsion.
Daybreak as an harbinger
comes to the world;
the torchbearers will put in some very good work,
they shall light up love, truth and understanding.
Well‑tried adequate experience
is highly valued everywhere;
some of would‑be callers
unknowingly want exert an influence on me.
But you would never kill the Light;
the principle of life, life itself – is eternal;
every fraud and lie will be revealed:
the complete cosmic history confirms that.
Now you will kindly catch a hold of experiences
hidden deeply inside,
to use valuable practice
verified during hundreds of thousands lives of yours !
One light after another shines
in the terrestrial Darkness;
you feel progress of the Right information,
the ones that unfold the scene.
You already deserve caress;
after all, the truth moves in rhythm
across all puppets, scenes,
here on the planet Earth !
Temperature goes up,
vibrations grow, higher,
the globe is on the rise,
ice is already melting, as you know !
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2175. Love is sacred (563). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 15, 2005.
17:23–17:36 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Person who regards LOVE and TRUTH
as the highest principles,
maintains in subconsciousness
what is sacred and precious.
The upholder of the highest principles
does not expect anything from anybody;
he is just giving what is most valuable,
and that’s TRUTH and LOVE, do you know?
This is the primary emotion
you may manifest in Darkness any time,
when everybody around lost feeling or this kind,
but then he will already remember.
It is God’s mystery,
inner sensation in breast,
that should be OPEN again;
weeping and lament will cease.
Shower on others riches from your HEART;
they come from the Creator,
who never leaves you
and waits with love to help you.
After all, what can be for ages more loftier
than TRUTH and LOVE.
always winning, still outlasting,
and also unconquerable !
Just have a drink of Life,
of Light that feeds it;
there TRUTH and LOVE dwells,
belonging to the Creator.
The primary Creator – THE KING OF LOVE,
who continues in creating everything,
will grant a pardon to anybody,
if the person in question will convert to His faith.
Then embark on the journey of Light leading Home,
where everybody already knew you,
and waits for you patiently for ages,
because they miss you there, you know !
This was transmitted with love in heart to all children
by the primary Creator.“
I thank you, dear Creator;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2176. Love and care (564). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 16, 2005.
8:24–8:43 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Where dwells the pure feeling,
there inside of the human chest,
everybody always has stainless heart
and knows how to treat it.
Loving fellowman,
caressing his cheek with warm hand,
today and tomorrow we shall endow each other
with perfect heart of hearts.
Relish that joyful feeling:
to know, like and feel,
that the beloved person dwells in my heart,
just as we wish.
Simple choice will suffice:
my fellowmen sincerely,
as it is recorded in THE BOOK OF LIFE.
Put your feeling into your palm
and transfer it to concrete place according to wish of love;
cherish what is good, pure and Right
and chuck illusions in the bin !
We have clear day,
lighted up by open heart that radiates outwards,
from my chest reminding of dream:
God’s peace flows out.
Many adventures and experiences
adumbrated this knowledge:
pure love takes priority over anything else;
Surrounded by the brightness emanated from the Creator of love,
I’m moving on the Earth,
where reigns frost and cold;
and there is supplied the warmth of Home.
Love and give out beauty
which finds salvation in the heart of hearts,
continually day by day,
here on this planet Earth.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2177. Revolution of heart – pictures (565). (Received and drawn by Ivo A. Benda.)
February 14, 2005.
11:00 a. m.–12:30 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The essential condition affecting the progress of every men on THE SPIRITUAL PATH – reports 819–847 and pictures No. 688, 692 – is based on OPENING OF ONE’S HEART – cordiality, love, sincerity, sensitivity (the fourth heart chakra), and inside of this process goes on REVOLUTION OF HEART – basic transformation of spiritual heart – removal of blocks, purification and advancement – rainbow. There are some other useful aids to facilitate this process – pictures No. 1751–1760. If you concentrate on them (for 10 and more minutes), you initiate opening of your heart by way of aiming your consciousness at that key information through the interconnecting process.
Picture No. 1751, picture 1756 without text
THE INITIATION OF HEART – transformation of spiritual heart begins with initiation of love, most frequently between man and woman.
Picture No. 1752, picture 1757 without text
THE TRANSFORMATION OF HEART – the spiritual heart becomes fundamentally purified and transformed by means of increasing vibrations (rainbow); it opens out to be fed by loving energies released by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody.
Picture No. 1753, picture 1758 without text
THE RADIATION OF LOVE – the spiritual heart begins to radiate powerfully into the environment love given by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody, omnidirectionally and goal‑directedly, according to man’s thoughts and emotions.
Picture No. 1754, picture 1759 without text
THE LOVING HEART – man’s spiritual heart is FULLY OPEN and radiates powerfully loving energies released by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody.
Picture No. 1755, picture 1760 without text
THE GRACE OF SPIRITUAL HEART – man’s spiritual heart is FULLY OPEN and radiates powerfully loving energies released by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody by virtue of His Grace.
2178. Advancement of the Earth – pictures (566). (Received Ivo A. Benda.)
February 14, 2005.
11:00 a. m.–12:30 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
Picture No. 1761, picture 1766 without text
THE INVITATION FOR COSMIC PEOPLE (the small hearts) offered by the planet Earth for the purpose of help leading to its advancement (rainbow – change of vibrations).
Picture No. 1762, picture 1767 without text
HELP PROVIDED BY COSMIC PEOPLE (the small hearts) on the planet Earth, which begins to radiate more love.
Picture No. 1763, picture 1768 without text
THE SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION – REVIBRATION of the planet Earth attained by vibrations of love (omnidirectional radiation) with help provided by Cosmic people (the small hearts). More effective processes of purification are taking place for the purpose of removing coarse‑vibratory kinds of energy, including its originators.
Picture No. 1764, picture 1769 without text
THE TRANSFORMATION of the planet Earth – following bulk of purificatory processes and revibration, the planet Earth takes up new spiritual position within universe and Creation: it revives stable and harmonious life of flora and fauna, stabilizes purificatory processes and stops changes taking place on the surface of mainland (end of submerging and emerging of dry land).
Picture No. 1765, picture 1770 without text
SHINING planet Earth after purificatory processes and advancement: there is harmony, love and peace among all kinds of energy, that share with the globe common life.
2179. The New Earth – pictures (567). (Received Ivo A. Benda.)
February 14, 2005.
11:00 a. m.–12:30 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
Picture No. 1771
THE NEW EARTH BEFORE COMING OF PEOPLE – before coming spiritual matured people on the planet Earth located in the fifth dimension of the Right Creation is the dry land covered with beautiful harmonious nature, prepared by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody together with the Cosmic people related to the Forces of Light.
Picture No. 1772
BUILDING OF INFRASTRUCTURE ON THE NEW EARTH – dwelling and central system prepared by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody together with the Cosmic people related to the Forces of Light.
Pictures No. 1773–5
HARMONIOUS LIFE FULL OF LOVE IN THE NEW SOCIETY ON THE NEW EARTH in the fifth dimension of the Right Creation, led by the Primary Creator of everything and everybody assisted by the Cosmic people related to the Forces of Light.
Picture No. 1776
ALL‑EMBRACING LOVE EMANATING FROM NATURE ON THE NEW EARTH in the fifth dimension of the right Creation.
Pictures No. 1777, 1778
MAP OF THE NEW EARTH in the fifth dimension of the Right Creation (picture map 2 hemisphere and spread out map).
2180. In peace and in love. (Received Helena N.) January 18, 2005.
Place: Zlin.
„We want to live in peace and in love,
therefore we have to display patience
and fulfill love;
then even the dark blue starry sky
we shall perceive as if it towered nearer on each occasion,
when we at times become cognizant of its secret which is hiding
and of what shines on the firmament:
there pulsates life of many features
and there are beings galore
they regard you with pleasure from afar,
with a smile on their face,
and observe for millions of years
how we will go on nowadays.
They carry you in their heart,
loving you so much,
that they are always waiting for you;
when you set your mind at rest,
you may be imbued with so blissful feeling,
so charming, although different from emotion
welling up when your mother caresses you.
In dazzle of rays emitted by shining sun,
we shall have a good time,
as Adam and Eve in paradise;
we shall enjoy that idyllic peace of mind,
bliss of soul and of the whole body,
together with our Creator’s love;
we shall revere and love Him for ever,
talking of Him in glowing terms
thus living a worthy life !
With love Ashtar Sheran and the Cosmic people.“
2181. Heaven on earth. (Received Helena N.) February 1, 2005.
Place: Zlin.
„We want to live in peace and in love,
and perhaps every morning enjoy the company
of the most beautiful being of the world,
where just love, embracing and understanding blossom,
like a floweret that is woven
from rays of starry spheres,
and its seeds of infinite love
gives out through the medium of own existence,
to all beings dwelling on the planet Earth,
who see that love given by their Creator around,
and also the blue sky full of miracles and amazement,
once from the birth of humanity changing them newly;
they will again grow on your heart,
which does not ignore at all
your dreams, patterns and musing:
these undergo changes annually,
with the New Year’s resolutions.
Where blossomed love,
there is no place for loneliness,
but joy and faith again gains
that beautiful feeling inside body,
uplifting your heart
up to infinite heights of divine beings,
who thing so highly of you
for human feeling and caress on soul,
which lights up anybody
who is not cherished, whose love is not returned;
love does not at all remind of a breeze,
which flies by and changes into tornado.
Keep your heart wide open,
so that love nad beauty
could enter there any time,
changing your life into heaven on earth.
With love and regards to all creatures,
who think highly of it.
Orthon – incarnated Jesus Christ.“
2182. Dreaming. (Received Helena N.) February 5, 2005.
Place: Zlin.
„Dreaming is perhaps lovely,
but maybe yet nicer is that
what is hidden in one’s heart,
for what I think highly of you.
I value love, strength and tolerance,
and also many precious moments,
when by your memories of heavenly Father
is stirred up His heartbeat.
Wonderful adventures
remain hidden,
and sometimes perhaps yet more
overshadow your memories,
like a coloured candle being aglow,
illuminating hundreds of thousands of your faces
for millions of starry years,
and right now wanting
to show the way to you,
to light it for you.
If only your dreams would be fulfilled;
with love Ashtar Sheran and the Cosmic people.“
2183. I’m crying for joy (568). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 18, 2005.
21:42–22:00 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Today I behold you in bright light,
feeling every your inhaling,
heartbeat catches up with me
in this magic moment.
I harbour in my heart of hearts
powerful feeling of love towards you,
as it should be, when man and woman
attain human happiness.
I feel joy in beauty
here on the planet Earth,
the Creator’s love in you,
while we are locked in each other’s arms.
I’m crying for joy,
when I think of you;
I care for you, loving you:
after all, I cannot feel anything else.
This day is clear day again,
I perceive anything around,
transilluminated by that bond of love,
like in God’s paradise !
I wish everybody love,
care, giving freedom;
that’s the joy in heart of hearts,
perceiving answer to question.
Veracity of love, friendship,
is reflected every day
in pure human relations,
carried in one’s heart as a treasure.
I’m happy like a child,
that I may experience immaculacy,
even here on dirty Earth,
although it is scarce there.
I feel your breath and heart,
caress and your world;
you are still burning with kindness
adorned by joy and smile.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2184. The secret of life (569). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 18, 2005.
22:04–22:21 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
»Life itself is a veritable miracle
astounding anybody;
it is the Makers GIFT,
the primary Creator’s present.
It is based on PURE LOVE,
continuous giving LIGHT
that wells from Him –
our primary Creator.
Nobody knows exactly,
where it came from;
pure life in love
is inextinguishable and goes on.
Life pulsates all the time,
for aeons of all ages,
in the copious vast Creation,
where dwells the Creator.
Everybody who loves life
cares about his ideas;
he respects Him in freedom
and beauty of the primary Creator.
You can understand life
only in its opposite:
the negative state might be defined as
„the non‑life in darkness“.
In myriads of opposites you shall reveal
what substantiates life;
then you will catch hold of values
that are not opposites.
By means of many experiences,
gathered in various worlds,
you get answer to this question:
The heart is that bond,
that links you together
with experiences and adventures,
which are recorded in it for ever.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.«
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2185. The friend (570). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 18, 2005.
22:30–22:46 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Who is your friend?
The person who just shares the life,
your small steps made since you were born
until the time of separation.
You know how feeling tastes,
the one who may kiss
on divine cheek,
in your playful small heart.
A friend in need is a friend indeed:
that’s ancient adage which came from the universe,
not from this Earth,
and is included anywhere in the spiritual teaching.
Where you perceive that feeling,
understanding, peaceful disposition,
freedom of relations – THE RIGHT LIFE –
there friends should be appreciated.
Nowadays is on the Earth
verified human Friendship,
which ripens like honey gathered by bees
that have handled their task tiptop.
Value your relation – friendship,
that might become a treasure,
in this tested world,
where you are supposed to create what is Right.
Close friend is a man,
who leads you to peace,
and carries in his heart feeling
that you call love.
He would offer you help gladly,
as he can, nothing more,
but you might be supported by means of various things,
owing to Creator’s wisdom.
Look, how the wind blasts,
purifying the country all the time,
standing close by like a friend,
mediating GRACE any time.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2186. Consulting maps. (571). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 19, 2005.
8:06–8:17 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„We are consulting maps
in cosmic spaceship,
with love and understanding
following explanation of global situation.
We are instructed by Ashtar and Ptaah,
where appear various zones
filled with sharply coarse‑vibratory kinds of energy,
causing pain to the planet Earth.
We observe on big wall screen
terrestrial regions,
the ones arising my concern
and interest of my family as well.
Yes, purificatory changes are necessary,
although people fear them;
they are too often careless
of our beloved planet Earth.
We have dwelt already long ago
on spaceships belonging to our Cosmic friends,
who give friendly advice
how to save the globe.
LOVE, love, love,
behaviour in accordance with LAWS
that are recorded in our hearts,
in everybody’s chest.
Day D approaches quickly
And what people think about that?
Let them learn from their mistakes.
How they should not live, board money,
cling to matter, vie with each other
in grabbing anything for oneself,
and consequently harm the Earth very much.
They will be relocated
on another – dark planets,
where life does not unfold like here;
there can be found just green elements and wastelands.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2187. The Earth of little suns (572). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 19, 2005.
8:18–8:27 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear beloved Creator,
bring us happiness;
our hearts will leap for joy
and assume new dimension.
We are prepared,
having heart wide open,
capable of giving
on both the old and New Earth.
The Earth of little suns shines
in our fifth dimension,
beloved country is already prepared
by the primary Creator.
We celebrate the Earth
by means of singing, dancing and exultant love;
we acclaim the Creator,
everybody as he can.
The New Earth is the gift
presented by the primary Creator;
that Earth is Home
for the open little suns.
Orthon, Jesus, has told you,
already long ago,
everything concerning this separation,
about the final events.
Humankind reached the phase,
when it cannot follow any more
the beaten track,
which usurps the Earth.
Therefore mankind will be divided up:
some will move on the New Earth,
where shall be established selected society
formed without unreasonable mammonism.
The rest of mankind
goes off the straight and narrow,
plunges headlong into disaster:
after death will be transferred to corresponding Dark worlds.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2188. The miracle of life. (573). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 20, 2005.
22:23–22:37 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The brightness of heart shines,
reminding of a white pearl;
there is hidden love
and happiness, my joy, prevails.
There you have always sweet place,
in peaceful spot of Home,
where does not exist any servitude;
people love each other.
There effulgent white light,
with rainbow around,
shines so freshly,
that it seems like a dream.
That’s life itself,
THE GIFT presented to us by the Creator;
consequently love will be shown –
it’s more than one could expect !
Every day is different,
since human relations are determined
by the primary Creator,
listening to wishes of man.
How else should be defined
the miracle of life,
that precious gift presented by the Creator,
who enabled us to exist, perceive and feel !
If you see somebody crying,
it means that life – principle – suffered injustice;
and you might call:
man himself incurred that !
The day of Grace comes,
when man reaches the phase
of great inner enlightenment –
understanding of himself.
Then he comprehends his position in Creation
and personal relation to the Creator,
to the One who is the Original,
eternal, invariable source of love.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2189. What you present. (574). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 20, 2005.
22:40–22:57 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear ones, what you present,
that you shall receive in destination:
it will be returned to you,
although you would not expect anything !
If you are giving now,
continual presenting,
without heaping up something for yourself,
you may await happy day of compensation.
We say the day of revibration,
our Cosmic holiday,
when the entire Creation reaps
what was sown through the medium of long lives.
Patience is a quality,
that was presented to people from above,
in order that they could BE ALIVE TO
The Creator is giving
pure love in heart continually,
you never lack it,
there is love in abundance.
By means of that important quality of GIVING,
being becomes spiritual,
without calculating with anything anymore,
since that would be negative conduct !
Such being has Creator’s consciousness,
and knows well, that He regulates everything,
nothing could ever get out of His control;
the Creator just gives out love and good all the time !
Fully relaying on Him,
carrying Him still in heart,
never has doubts about His mighty love;
after all, that’s the entire Essence !
And so, the ones who were giving for many lives,
nowadays may experience
the adequate quality,
that what they had presented long ago.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2190. Life of little stars. (575). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 20, 2005.
23:01–23:16 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„The New Earth is place,
where every being loves others;
what we regard as happiness,
that is sown by anybody’s feeling.
Nowadays here already does not live anybody,
who would grieve over something;
happiness smiles all the time –
that’s the Right Life of Heaven.
Nobody is lonely,
robbed of operative kinds of energy;
everybody has enough time
to cherish the beloved one.
If only people already here understand,
that they have life in their own hands:
they make still their choices
what to experience or not.
We call that AWARENESS
of one’s own living;
personal failure can be regarded
as result of such decision.
The little stars on the New Earth
are already liberated
from slavery of ignorance;
they enjoy riches and proper quality of life.
Nowadays new residentiaries,
who are inhabiting the New Earth,
share strengthening feeling,
that they would never come back.
The old Earth as school of life,
was chosen for others to be helped;
it also served for your edification,
but now there is nothing what could offer.
We invite everybody with open heart,
the sparkling clean one,
pure like heavenly lily,
to move on the New Earth of little stars !
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2191. On the planet Earth. (576). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 21, 2005.
21:03–21:18 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„On this blue planet Earth,
yet many particulars unwind
in accordance with the Order of events,
which also applies to any place in Creation.
The human children are here
choosing what they like,
what believe in and trust;
and that’s all.
These children might select
within great diversity of situations;
but they all the time just switch points
at gridiron of railway station.
Cultural development proceeds
according to an old custom:
people follow in the footsteps of traditions and bad habits
or prefer love.
Dear girl, make up your mind again:
where to go and which way pass through
in joy, happiness and feelings –
or in false pride of pseudos.
Thousands of millions souls walk here,
on the planet Earth which is densely populated;
they do not know anything substantial about themselves,
although they set up science and established academy.
Everything happens in great interaction;
in the whole history of mankind is reflected,
that everybody was influenced any time
by waves of energy appearing everywhere.
Waves of energies substantiated
by love and considered wise advices,
were continually transmitted by Angels
from cosmic spaceships of light.
But controlling waves
of dictates and artifice,
were all the time transmitted by pseudocreators
from the lost Dark worlds.
Man knows just a little bit about the state
in which he survives here on the Earth;
that state is always resultant
of his choices made so many times.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2192. The celebration of heart. (577). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 21, 2005.
21:18–21:41 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Beautiful darling,
I write commemorative poems,
celebrating your heart,
that joyous happiness.
I’m perceiving you affectionately,
day by day, all the time;
I wonder in astonishment,
when we would meet again.
Your little heart shines,
you are nursing me
like dearest child in your arms;
I feel and appreciate that.
With Angels I continue in writing
the poem of love –
declaration of grace and endearment,
celebration for open heart.
Emotional relationship radiates
on this planet Earth;
two little suns found themselves
as the Fates wished.
We were friends in Heaven,
loving each other very much;
after all, my love,
I would not try a different approach !
So warm feeling is pleasant:
love – the spark in being;
two persons living on the Earth
were searching their partner for long.
I Feel the Creator’s Grace,
here in this spider’s web – the net,
in texture of human relations,
mostly within controlling programs.
Beautiful song sounds,
sung by Hana Zagorova;
I correspond with the Cosmic darlings,
for the sake of yourself and other good people !
Afterwards this wonderful declaration
will be exposed to the world,
to illuminate for terrestrials
love that Angels give in our regions.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2193. Love as a program failure (578). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 21, 2005.
21:42–21:54 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„It’s rare phenomenon:
two shining little hearts
are at times excited
by love as pure as the driven snow.
Where darkness extends,
there love does blossom:
dark program is disturbed
by two burning hearts !
Man and woman were created,
to learn how to love
what sparkles with cleanliness,
truth, wisdom, goodness.
That’s the fate of mankind,
the Right goal for ages,
here on this Earth,
which is dominated by darkness.
There in the Right Creation
love is shining everywhere,
since therein it is not so rare
like here on the Earth.
Just wear your heart on your sleeve
and be thus simply aware of that;
love and respect freedom,
that real feeling !
In spite of various intrigues,
love does flourish on the Earth,
having no support
in the controlling program.
But the Creator loves children
who sing the praises of Him;
in the heart of hearts – the dearest chamber –
these riches are hidden.
Love is a failure in program
developed by those who dominate shamefully;
love is mighty and liberates –
believe me, little man !
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2194. Strive to win love (579). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 21, 2005.
21:55–22:09 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
»This is known on the surface of so many events:
there, in the darkness,
is hidden jewel – the school of life –
the planet Earth.
Small children are walking
between dark spider’s webs,
and try in all sort ways
to live and survive !
But they find
many dominating kinds of energy,
woven from darkness,
and „have a good time“ while utilizing them.
Occasionally they discover love,
and then two hearts white from bliss,
finding pure ties,
shine in the darkness !
Afterwards it always depends,
if that feeling is strong enough,
whether it stands the test,
or is liable to disintegration.
If lover loves his sweetheart,
and both care of each other tenderly,
that is always reflected
in their rich lives.
Dear one, continue in learning
how to open and give your heart,
how to revere beloved fellowman –
learn how to love more !
Love is always welcome,
it brings other more then obvious joy:
love has magical power –
many mistakes can be put right !
Dear son, dear daughter,
the secret of love comes to light:
Discover your heart in chest
and then you may take it in your hands !
Consequently you would be free
to give pure love;
obstacles would not matter,
love shall liberate people !
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.«
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2195. Do not live only for yourself (580). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 22, 2005.
21:34–21:50 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Here I am,
having an easy time,
in the World of games
with shadow effect.
Dear one, you know,
how to make yourself happy:
it suffices to touch the heart of hearts –
there it always begins !
Your spiritual heart
also serves as a key to initiation,
leading you in the course of all lives,
when you found yourself in many varied situations.
The consciousness love in purity,
always signifies the highest stage of realization,
that manifests itself
in your deeds.
Darling, you will be of use to others,
being under care and helping them,
you will be by them any time,
and they shall understand you.
You will not live only for yourself,
bearing in mind
the objective of giving;
that is regarded highly in Heaven.
You endeavoured to understand this world
since your birth,
but without spiritual teaching
it is impossible to advance any more.
The lawfulness of all energies
is recorded in that spiritual heart,
it can be just opened and found,
in no way distorted.
You have done that so many times;
this is invaluable help:
you mature by means of Creator’s love,
like timeless wine, full of strength.
This is your share here,
on this Earth:
to fall asleep, wake up,
and then fly up to dwell among Angels.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2196. It is high time you went Home (581). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 22, 2005.
21:54–22:08 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Dear crystal‑clear small well,
sometimes it appears to me,
that I belong to those in Heaven,
dwelling where are satisfied children’s wishes.
You are there,
and where am I?
In the magic of oblivion
I revive memories again.
I think of Homes;
perhaps you will answer me:
What is happening at our place today,
what are the beloved ones doing?
There beyond that nigritude,
bright Heaven arches;
behind the zero zone
the Creator’s Home can be found.
Dear inhabitant of Earth,
your brothers and sisters are waiting for you in Heaven;
they are patient:
they shed a tear, but do not weep.
They would receive you with open arms;
their heart wide open shines:
Dear one, that’s the Light of Home –
now then, COME BACK at last !
Dear ones, I have made choice;
how long are you to live
on this remarkable planet Earth –
will you reply to me?
Darling, you do know,
that during the teaching of basic knowledge,
can be always made
small steps of child.
You taught excellent object lesson
of learning living,
here under these demanding conditions,
on this rather strange planet Earth.
In the uncanny kingdom you will discover
the mystery and charm of knowledge –
what love may do
with this slept human society.
It is solid terrain for labour
you have chosen yet in Heaven,
being mature to fulfill this mission,
to awaken the kingdom of wild roses.
The fairy tale is not wide of the mark;
it is tailor‑made
for this obvious pseudoworld,
woven on the Earth by pseudocreators themselves.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2197. The mature age (582). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 22, 2005.
22:09–22:25 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Day by day goes by,
the illuminated mankind on the Earth matures,
people having strength to get through the selection process,
the ones who choose the progress by themselves.
The nation that had visions of Right relation
between the loving and loved;
that’s the secret,
which substantiates life !
But by means of maturity is made accessible
the fount of the Right powerful knowledge:
HOW to lead pure life
without entangling oneself in the nets of Darkness.
As maturity is ment here
time of 1 000 000 births,
in this human body,
alternately in consciousness and in oblivion limbo.
Thus the being who was conceived
by Creator’s love,
will enter upon final stage,
reflecting one’s choice since childhood.
That being wants to discover
HOW to lead pure life,
rich and very beautiful one,
spent in adequate society.
Such knowledge may be gained
after accumulating so many experiences,
you have acquired in various places,
selected always on other planets !
That says the Creator Himself,
The One who has at His disposal the absolute,
the highest knowledge, wisdom –
He will always give you the best !
When you are supposed to come back to Him
after tasting many lives,
you shall receive the final report,
which could be defined by simple word: Knowledge !
You will pass it on,
and thus mediate guidance to others,
regarding meaning of so long life,
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
2198. You are leaving the pseudoworld (583). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 23, 2005.
14:01–14:22 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
»The time of orders and commands will expire;
you have passed through gates of heart,
into season of love, games,
laughter and eternal childhood.
You have turned your back
on the sweaty puppet scene;
you are not going to return there –
only „they“ would like you to do that.
You are leaving with joy and easiness
the world teemed with pseudos of all kinds –
myriads of lies and slanders –
sailing along them like vapour.
You have so often helped those,
who wanted to break your neck,
but that was low control
intrigued by small saurians in Darkness.
Nevertheless, many people are much obliged to you,
the ones who consequently have reached the higher stadium
of spiritual development,
towards the inner consciousness.
Dear child, love everything what is right and pure,
in order to get out of this waste bin
of the planet Earth in the black Cosmos,
to be led Home.
This instructive story already moves towards its close,
another one unfolds in Heaven,
since who bids his farewell here,
gets truth in love.
Others may devote their effort,
for millions of years dragged by the existence of Darkness,
to go through the axis of development
also here, on the troubled Earth.
The experience gained
on the planet Earth,
cannot be superseded by anything else:
its UNIQUENESS appears as a sole exception in the Creation !
The collection of imprisoned souls
serves as a cunning trap for ages;
people put on a happy face,
but they become victims of frauds.
You shall leave once for all
the remotely controlled puppets;
you set good example for those
who try and understood.
Shining worlds receive you with open arms,
joyfully and emotionally;
there reigns truth and love
without any deceitfulness.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.«
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
This report I have recorded while listening to the Symphony No. 5 and 7 composed by Ludvik van Beethoven.
2199. Where mankind precipitates? (584). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 23, 2005.
14:24–14:37 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Hey! Dear boy,
wait for a minute;
I have news for you:
the Dark world rides for a fall.
It will be hoist with its own petard,
owing to negatively grasped technologies;
it is going to unveil its veiled face,
to manifest itself in the whole creation.
In nakedness, unvarnished,
it wants to make a show of Principles,
that are in opposition to love:
pseudocreators had been creating them for millions of years.
The concealed cunning will be over,
DISCLOSURE of the world approaches,
the whole PUPPET SCENE;
everybody will witness slavery and weeping !
The potentiality of negative state
was not yet fully revealed to us;
that scene will culminate
Armies of slaves engaged in forced labour,
deceitfully controlled by ALL means
invented by pseudocreators,
precipitate into black hole.
Force of their transgressions
is enough to drag them down, into oblivion,
into stable state,
where in blocks will be arrested upward course.
They took a lot of trouble
over inventing so many lies and delusions,
following boasting,
and yet taking arranged pictures of themselves !
We can observe, how after death
they gradually fall more deeply into Darkness,
according to decision they have made:
not to choose love – the Creator !
Everybody makes choice
by means of his life, not words;
outward simulation is good for NOTHING,
denominations and religions are camouflage !
Indeed, if one just contributes to far‑sighted change,
takes the helm and alters direction,
thus pointing the boat with desired effect,
then beloved Jesus becomes his adviser.
The era of negative state
shall culminate soon;
full answers will be supplied,
answering the factual question: what not to choose.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
This report I have recorded while listening to the Symphony No. 5 and 7 composed by Ludvik van Beethoven.
2200. You are adorned with joyance (585). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 23, 2005.
14:48–15:01 p. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„Right now, at this moment,
I feel like telling you,
that since the mission will be fulfilled soon,
everything will be in conclusion cheerfully celebrated.
Joy overwhelms hearts of those
who came out from the labyrinth,
led by the beloved
These beings already began to rejoice,
and they still do;
by that joy and happiness
is substantiated liberation.
On the Earth will be left everything
what is in Heaven regarded as a garbage:
mobil, personal computer,
identity card, clothes.
You will live like missing,
but send this report:
I live, just getting into another environment,
experiencing heaven on Earth instead of slavery.
I have left terrestrials,
letting them live according to their choice,
as they like or do not,
but they shall find that TO THEIR COST.
I come back Home among the crowd,
with happy smile on my face;
there is enough of us
The world of little suns comes into existence
on the New Earth in the fifth dimension,
where joy and happiness sparkle;
you cannot behold anything like that on the old Earth.
We are working for fellowmen
only to an indispensable extent;
rather we play with the beloved ones –
here nobody works himself to the bone.
Laughter can be heard in the country
prepared by the Creator;
the Angels of Light are willing to help,
there is no end to bliss.
And we gain great knowledge,
obtainable experiences,
hundreds of thousands lives altogether !
That knowledge becomes the most precious one,
if we are fully aware of love,
brotherhood and sisterhood,
recovered Unity.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
This report I have recorded while listening to the Symphony No. 5 and 7 composed by Ludvik van Beethoven.
2201. Dwellers on the New Earth (586). (Received Ivo A. Benda.) February 24, 2005.
8:12–8:38 a. m.
Place: Ceska Lipa.
„When the girl of spring is dancing
in shining meadow flowers,
you feel an intoxicating smell
which fragrant corsages give off on the New Earth.
Eternal warm spring
caresses your soul, mind and feelings;
dwellers on the New Earth enjoy
permanent sunshine.
There is a lot of friendly plants,
birdies and nice little animals,
that are not scared at all,
and pet with the dwellers on the New Earth.
Many friends of society
are constantly rejoicing,
since no fear or worry
preys upon the dwellers on the New Earth.
Every one of us is amused by enjoyable visits
that make Cosmic people,
who any time lend helping hand to us,
the dwellers on the New Earth.
There is no screaming, weeping or misfortune;
therein rather humor and joy alternate,
love and embrace are taken for granted
by dwellers on the New Earth.
Here nobody grieves,
everybody knows that there is no reason for that;
real freedom illuminates
the dwellers on the New Earth.
Wholehearted cooperation,
with many Cosmic nations
within this galaxy grows successfully,
supported by the dwellers on the New Earth.
Nobody here keeps others as prisoners,
anybody may go wherever he wants;
but they are fully conscious,
the dwellers on the New Earth.
Therefore therein is nobody disappointed,
sick or troubled by pain;
all people are healthy, beautiful and clean,
the dwellers on the New Earth.
There is no need to hurry and work hard
twelve hours a day as before;
only memories are taken away
by the dwellers on the New Earth.
They provide help for the old world,
seeing, hearing and feeling it,
within that negative anabasis
experienced by the dwellers on the New Earth.
This was transmitted with love in heart
by Ashtar Sheran.“
I thank you, dear Ashtar;
with love and joy I shall deliver the message to all. Ivo.
More than 7000 pages of texts and 5000 pictures about Cosmic people
– Angels from Heavens – can be found on the Internet: